Objective 9: Suits and Dresses

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"Olympia, slow down!" Storm barked as he dragged behind me, trying to slow me down.  I was just turning the corner into the conference room with the TV when I finally came to a stop.

"Storm you don't understand right now but you will in a minute." I listened to Phoenixx as she told me how to interact with the TV having to hook a few cables to myself. A panel in my head slid up and I put the cable ends in there corresponding places. My vision blinks out and all I can see is blue with a circle next to a file sitting in the corner. I went to the file and pulled up a file labeled memory I shuffled through it and pulled out the crime details with the case details putting them side by side on the screen as well as the video of the bomb.

"As you can see in the first folder this is from my time and the other is from the last few days. The bomb is similar to something I had found long time ago that was used to put threats to sleep rather then kill because it was easier to get subjects that way. Well when I ran over the bomb I saw it was the same one not even a parts different. Which h then made me think about the soul extraction, and that's when I came to the conclusion that the person behind this must have a flash drive or notes to the project from before. Just like the Androids and cyborgs of this time looks similar to the Alphian models, but aren't making them the Betonian version of it's sister planet. I think the person behind this is at least part Betonian." I opened up the circle seeing different modes and put that to look at later as I safely unhooked myself from the TV to look at Storm.

He looked at me his hand on his chin in thought as he tried to get at what I was saying. I looked at the mirror like glass and my vision flicked and before I new it was back seat Phoenixx taking my please my eye color changing into a gold-ish red color almost like flames, her hands went down on the table with a slight thump and a smile appearing, as Storm looked up at her seeing the difference.

"What do you have to say, Phoenixx?" Storm asked as he Mae's a hand motion for her to make her opinion.

She stood up straight moving closer. "I looked over everything in this head a hundred times and it's dawned on me that when we were fighting the people in the café, they all had one thing in common. A symbol." She took a piece of paper and drew it out for him it being a grey planet with a yellow ring going around it a blue four pointed star on the ring and a flat in the background it a dark purple almost black color. She slid the paper to him and watched as he looked over in deep thought.

"This is the the symbol of one of the batonian research labs. In fact they're having a party tonight to show off a new invention or something." Storm said as he looked up. You could see the gears turning in his head as he thought up a plan the mail man coming by to hand him his things.

Being nosey Phoenixx looked through the stack and pulled up an invitation for him to go and bring one guest. "I say we go to a party and see what they're really up to." Phoenixx said as she slid it down to him and let him read over it.

"Get a dress we're going to a party." Was all he said with a smile his own.


Humiliation, was all that went through our head as we wore a long flowing gown. The deep blue with silver gems was nice and it flowed down to her feet. "Why couldn't you let me wear my combat outfit under this!" I growled in a la voice as we made our way up the stairs to the entrance a light chuckle leaving him before he answered.

"Be glad I let you bring your bow and a few arrows since they're small and you can hide them away. We don't need any attention on us." He was dressed in a nice tux that was a dark grey and black. He walked in showing the invite and the room opened up.

The ceiling was made of glass and the lights where in soft blues and greens, a table of drinks and foo sat out while waiters walking around helping dish it out. I looked around for any clues or a place I could change though with Storm elbowing be for my attention it was hard. I was about to raise a fist when I turned and saw him point to an odd closed off room.

"I'm going to take a look you stay here and be a distraction, and before you say how I'm sure you and that dress can come up with something." He said slipping away, my jaw on the floor.


Sorry about the wait and how short the chapter is, but I haven't been myself when it comes to writing this out and it's a lot of work when working with planets that I can just copy off of some days I don't feel like it. I was thinking about doing an author Q&A, what do you think?

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