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On restless nights, I lie awake.

Mind's consumed; thoughts I cannot shake.

On good night's; I simply get no rest.

On bad; my fragile mind's put through yet another test.

Thoughts can break you; tear you apart.

They make you feel empty; a hollow broken heart.

On good days, it's dreams of something good and new.

But all in all it's a fantasy-something too good to be true.

Restless nights are only a nightmare; that's what is real.

No matter how trusting or innocent or realistic they feel.

It's times like these, I sit back and sigh.

Rather force feed myself to cave to their lies.

Restless nights-I have suffered through enough of your hell.

I can't seem to crack your code, to make amends-only time will tell.

If there's one thing I can offer or I'd like to say:

Never let the demons win, before nigh turns to day.

Restless nights you've won yet another round.

But, again, I stand tall, take my stance, stand my ground.

Sweet dreams and goodnight my dear friend.

I truly wish you well, as I lie here awake once again.

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