45 16 2

Ryan's pov


This is so frustrating!

She is right in front of me and I can't even touch her. She looks so irresistible, dressed in a fitting white shirt and brown dress pants her perfect behind very much inviting my dirty thoughts. Yesterday, it was a welcome relief when she herself admitted that I am attracted to her and she didn't mind it, which gives me hope that there might be a future for us. But earlier on Sunday when I had received a detailed background check about her, I had vowed to take it slow and give her time to know me. But now it's backfiring on me!

On Monday night I had satisfied myself with self stimulation with her picture in my mind. My hands have been my only companion these years but now that I know that I have other option too, it's making me desperate to have a taste of that.

I have work as my only salvation which helps me keep her thoughts at bay for a while. I keep going in and out of my head office throughout the day as I have several companies located around the city to look after. I rarely see her during the day but I make sure to come back just before she leaves for the day. I always make sure to kiss her cheek so that she has something about me. I want to dwell in her mind every waking hour.

Today, she completes her first month working for me and I plan to take her out for dinner.

"hi, you asked for me Mr. Reese?" she asks entering my office.

"yes Miss Ace. Are you done for the day?" I ask rising for my seat and shutting off my Mac.

"yeah" she answers confusion lacing her voice.

"I am taking you out for dinner" I announce.

"dinner?" she squeaks. I smile.

"yes ,Miss Ace, dinner. If I remember correctly you complete one month today, and I am pretty sure you received your first paycheck?"

"yes I got the message today."

"so I am willing to know your experiences working for my company. I am sure you have plenty to tell. So we can talk over dinner" I give her the choice. I don't want to force her to do anything that she doesn't want to.

"okay" I like the fact that she makes eye contact while talking to me.

I am sure I have not employed petty gossipers and troublemakers, and the fact that she doesn't complain when I give her special attention, attests to the fact. As I walk out with her I keep my palm on her lower back, she doesn't complain neither she shrugs out of it, so I think that's ok with her.

We take her car and I ask peter to follow me in my car. I take her to a restaurant SASSY SPOON that serves delicious continental food. I pop the bottle of champagne and we raise our glasses in congratulations to her successful one month working in my company. She looks embarrassed by my gesture probably thinking that I am over doing it. As we settle down, after ordering the food, I grill her for answers.

I am pleased to know she has had no trouble settling down. She tells me that the department is preparing annual performance reports of the 13000 employees working for me. its quite a huge task considering the deadline is the end of next month. I know all these but the way she talks animatedly is quite fascinating, she clearly is loving what she is doing and I am happy for her.

After a while the conversation moves to personal areas and I ask her about her mother, she has not mentioned her ever.

"she and my dad are divorced. Since she couldn't afford our expenses the court granted our custody to dad" it's clear that she is not happy about it. I knew about it from her background check.

"when did this happen?"

"when I was 12, my brother 14"

"where is your brother?"

"he got a job in Gurgaon. Software engineer" like one of my brother. Sidhant and her brother might click.

"How is your relationship with him?" I feel something off here.

"it's neither perfect nor too bad. We acknowledge each other's presence" I am confused.

"I don't get it" I tell her sincerely. She laughs at my knotted brows.

"well he took the separation of our parents in a bad way. He is estranged since then." Hmmm a hormonal teenager.

"I am sure he will come around once he has burnt away all his anger"

"I hope so. Its not the same without him" her voice grows somber and I feel the need to comfort her so I take her hand that had been on the table and squeeze it. she smiles faintly.

"you are a strong girl Jennifer. I am in awe of you" I tell her genuinely.

"can you say my name again" she requests shyly and I realise I have never used her first name.


"wow even my name sounds so unique coming out of your mouth" she whispers.

I smile warmly.

"you once back at your office admitted to the fact that you are attracted to me. are you still?"

I like her boldness because I am not that daring enough, this being my first ever relationship.

"yes Jennifer I am very much attracted to you. I can give you proof if you want" I tease and she ducks her head and starts stabbing the food on her plate.

"then why haven't you made a move yet" she speaks without raising her head to look at me. I realise that she is mortified.

"I thought you would want time and space. I am doing this at your pace and your rules" I inform her. Her idle left hand is still in my grasp.I have no knowledge of this Jennifer. It's a new territory for me.

She remains quiet, picking on her food. I also finish my food. She doesn't speak till we are in her car and pulling up.

"I would like to go to your home, if you don't mind. I mean we can watch a nice movie and spend sometime outside work and get to know each other better" she suggests.

"yeah" my voice comes out hoarse from not speaking too long , so I clear my throat "that's sounds awesome, but what about your father?" I don't want her to get in trouble.

"well I can always say that I went to a party. I will leave around midnight" she informs me coolly. She has thought through this.

I take her to my sea facing penthouse in bandra. I tell the concierge there to enter her name in my visitor's list and make sure she never has trouble reaching me. then I guide her to the elevator. Once inside, her being alone with me in a confined space does something to my body. I have this urge to pull her flush against me and ravage her mouth, to take whatever she has to offer. The urge is so intense that I have to put my hand in my pockets to restrict its movement. It is then that I notice that she is tapping her right foot and her sneaky little glances are directed my way every now and then. And I lose it.

"oh fuck it" I utter without preamble and pin her to the elevator wall. My mouth sweeps down and captures her lips in a fierce, no holds barred kiss.

My action is so swift that she is taken by surprise but she recovers quickly and returns the kiss with equal passion. She threads her fingers through my hair at the nape of my neck. It feels oddly relaxing. She is breathless so I move from her lips to her jaw to the length of her throat. My lips have no intentions of leaving her skin. The top two buttons of her dress shirt her undone and I have access to her cleavage. She tugs hard at my hair and arching her back pushes her breasts towards me.

The elevator dings and I am not sure which floor it is so I pull back quickly but I relax when I see its the top floor. As the doors open she grins widely at me and I can't help but grin back. She makes me so happy.


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