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Ryan's pov

"peter take miss Ace's car and drive her to wherever she asks you. Don't leave until I tell  you" when he confirms, I hang up. I feel a little agitated, I wanted to go with her to make sure everything is fine, but she had to refuse. Why is she so hard headed!

I hear a wolf whistle and it makes me aware of my surrounding. Its siddhant "bro I met her in the elevator today, didn't know you were whipped by her, would have definitely tried to enter her good cards!"

"shut up sid" he is still a 16 year old boy in the body of 24.

"yeah shut up sid!" sam pipes in "the best question should be how long has this been going on?" he asks raising his eyebrows "afterall my suspicions on Friday were not wrong! its actually a girl that has you so wound up!"

I roll my eyes "nothing is going on"

"yeah like we will believe that" Sam says.

"wait till I tell mom..." sid wiggles his eyebrows. Oh no mom! Jennifer is not ready! What I have gotten myself into! Jennifer will be furious.

"you are not going to say any such thing to mom" I warn them both "if you do, forget about the maserati" Sid pales. Bull's eye!!

"I will do the honours then" Sam speaks triumphantly. I smile "did you forget the pregnancy scare your last girlfriend gave you. How sad will mom be when she comes to know that her son is getting the girls of the town pregnant" Sam glares. Hah! I got them.

They get up to leave, clearly, in annoyance. "I can't wait for this Friday when dad gives you a earful for uncle Ron's despicable situation" Sam speaks in sarcasm. But the reminder of that man darkens my mood. I don't say much to them as they leave. Whatever dad says isn't going to make much of a difference. I sit down and do some work, while waiting for jennifer's call. I hope everything is alright.


It's nearly an hour later that I get a call from Jennifer, informing me that her father is doing fine but she can't come to the office for the rest of the day as she has to look after him.

"what had happened to him?" I ask her the next day as we eat our lunch in a resteraunt.

"there was some conflict going on between the contractor and daily wage workers at one of the sites where my father had gone yesterday and the fight escalated and resulted in stone pelting . my father was caught in the cross fire. He sustained two cuts on his forehead and one on his cheek."

"oh. I would say he should be careful in the kind of business that he is in"

"I told him so. He said he will be careful" I squeezed her palm to reassure her. I know how close she is to her father.


A few days later...

I had just finished my conference call and relaxed back on my chair when my office phone rang.


"sir there is a gentleman here with the name of rohan vatsa. He says he is the lawyer of ronit sabarwal and he wants to meet you"

"tell him I am not free"I answered bluntly.

"sir I told him so but he is waiting from last 1 hour. He is not ready to leave without seeing you" What a fucking joke is this!

"send him up" I order my temper simmering.

What does he want? Doesn't he know that my brother is dealing the matter on my behalf! I look at my watch. Damn I had this only slot free today to meet Jennifer! Fuck!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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