I'm too lazy and a new chapter

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I'm too lazy to write out all that I have planned in detail so deal with me just summing it up.

Summary: the girls go to the auditorium and the boys are on stage, the boys sing 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri. Then they all go on a super romantic date followed by a round of paintball at midnight. The boys were at band camp or whatever other excuse you want to come up with for their absence.

I'll continue the story from here and they're in the car, just four and tris(Tris POV):

"Thanks for everything, Toby." I offer with a smile and he smiles with me.

"No problem at all, my little honey Bea," He smiles when I huff,"See what I did there?"

"Yes, but I hate puns... But it was still kind of cute and you guys just did all of this for us, but then again I barely heard from you for a month so you don't know what I went through while you were gone." I ramble.

"So what did happen?" He asks.

"A guy named Peter started stalking me and hitting on me. You weren't ever around and neither were the boys so me and Lynn had to kick his and his pose's butt all by ourselves because everyone else were being wusses." I explain and he wraps an arm around my shoulders, the other on the wheel.

"I'm sorry, Tris." He says and I just nod.


Hey, polar bears,

I told you I would update again. I know it's short, but it's an update, so be happy. I have been attempting to catch up on all of the home work I didn't do while I was writing this story.

Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns it all. Except the OC's

Love ya,


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