7- after school

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This chapter is dedicated to ObssessedHutcher for making my day with the super nice comments and thanks for all the votes, peeps

Tobias POV

Me and the guys are planning on seeing who the Lamborghini belongs to by waiting by the car after school. We've been texting all day.

Tris POV

Me and Christina are heading out to my car when I see the boys from our little group standing by my car, 'probably want to know who's it is and they probably won't leave for along time' I think. So I just unlock my car from where I'm standing and start walking to the car. When I look at the boys they're just staring at me,"this is your car?" Tobias asked.

"Yeah." I say shrugging.

"You have to give me a ride some time!" Uriah says.

"Ok." is all say and I hop in the driver's seat while Christina slides in next to me. We wave good bye to the guys and I start heading to my house. When we finally get to the gates I take out my card for the scanner so the gates will open and when we get through the gates I hear Christina gasp in awe at my family's mansion, I mean I would too, it's huge and the driveway leading up to the mansion has one of those circular intersections and a bunch of rose bushes with big, perfect roses are circling a beautiful fountain that has an angel playing a harp with water streaming from her wings. So in all my house is very big and beautiful.

When we get inside I start leading her to my room and notice she keeps looking around at everything so I decide to take her to the teen lounge/game room." So what do you want to do?" I ask her taking her bag and giving it and my bag to my butler to take to the tutors so they can do our homework. I still don't see why Caleb does his own homework when we have the tutors.

"What all can we do?" Christina asks me. Then I think of something she'll love to do.

"We could do a fashion show." I suggest, since my mom's a designer she has this big run way on the second level underground where she has me and Caleb and some of our friends model for her. She lets me wear anything I want, even if it is just a prototype."and invite the others over." I add.

"OMG that would be so fun!" she squeals.

"I'll get four, Lynn, Uriah, and Marlene. You get Lauren, Shauna, Will, and Zeke."

'Hey Toby you want to come over?' I text Toby.

'who is this?' he texts back almost immediately.


'oh sure, where do you live?'

'4389 Shirley drive and tell Marlene and Lynn they can come too i don't have their numbers'

'k see you in 10'


I am so sorry!!!! I have no good reasons but i'll tell you a few excuses for not updating:1) Thanksgiving break,2) bit of writer's block,3) I was so eager to write other chapters but this one is boring. Oh I wrote more to this chapter too but it got deleted. Again I AM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!! OK so I will update at least by tomorrow night.

Disclaimer (roller coaster style!): WHOOOOOOO! I dO nOt OwN dIvErGeNt, VeRoNiCa RoTh DoEs!!!

Love ya,


P.S. the more you comment and vote the sooner I will update!!!

P.P.S. just wondering, who has this in their library?!

P.P.P.S. you guys are all super awesome! thanks for almost 200 reads! please VOTE, COMMENT, and let's try for 200 reads! and again please help me get more VOTEs and especially COMMENTs


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