Fight (Relaxtation pt.2)

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AN: literally everyone I know is triggered that it's a two-parter. Sorry, but I needed to keep the suspense real! Also, thanks again for the support. I've recently just taken a whole bunch off my shoulders and recovered from a massive Writer's Block, so yeah. Hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤️

Nick's POV

All I could hear was water running in the background of my thoughts, creating a simulation of a gentle white noise lulling me into a deep train of thought. I couldn't help but think something odd was up with Keith. He wasn't the most friendly acting person and clearly ignored the fact that Nina had an interest in him. There was almost a distant vibe that hovered around the two when they'd talk and you could tell she was almost completely fed up with him. I felt bad for the girl. All she wanted was a little attention from her egotistical partner.

"Hey, Nick?" Ellis called to me quietly. I turned my head to see him standing in the doorway of the bathroom, his hair still damp after getting out of the shower. "Whatchya doin'?" A smile lit up his face.

"Just thinking. Don't you think it's unfair how Keith treats Nina?" I saw his eyes widen. He nodded then placed a finger to his lips, insisting I keep quiet about it. I laughed and fell back onto the bed. He sat next to me, lying back and resting his head on my shoulder. We sat in silence for a few minutes before anyone mentioned anything.

"I miss Ro'. Coach, too." Ellis sniffled a bit. I looked over at him, pecking his forehead.

"They're in a better place now. Away from all this madness." I reassured him and placed my hand on his face. "I miss them, too, but there isn't really anything we can do."

"I know." It's like he came to terms with their deaths, both being very recent. He was trying to be strong, but it was kind of eating away at him. "I don't wanna lose you, Nick. Or Nina." The very first thing I noticed in that sentence was that he never mention Keith at all.

"Well, what about Keith?" I inquired hoping I would mess anything up. Ellis gave me a look that screamed 'him? Whatever,' and it kind of freaked me out. Although, as much as I agreed with him, Keith was still a major part of his life. "So, he's a no go?"

"He's been kinda mean lately. I don't know what it is, but he don't seem too interested in anyone else but me. And not in a good way. I-" he was cut off mid-sentence by yet another small knock.

"It's me, Nina. I was wondering if I could get some help with something quickly? I know you guys are heading to bed, but it won't be long, I promise."

"One sec! I'll get it El. I'll be right back." I said, standing up and heading towards the door. "Love you."

"Love you, too." He gushed, waving a bit. I then walked out the door, shutting it gently behind me.

Ellis' POV (Yeah there's been a lot of him but idc!!!)

I heaved a sigh as Nick left the room. I'd been having a lot of mood swings and I hadn't really been able to control. All the death had really been getting to me, and I wanted it all to stop. But, although I was slipping into a what may have been a depression, I was grateful that Nick and I'd found more people. I mean, four is better than one. Running my fingers through my hair, I nuzzled up into the pillow. I needed sleep; I didn't even realize how deprived of it I had been. I shut my eyes, hoping to be able to get at least a few hours.

/\/\/\/\/\ Ellis' Dream /\/\/\/\/\

I found myself sitting in a circle, in a plain white room, everyone I cared about with me. Rochelle, Coach, even Zoey and the others. I looked around trying to find Nick; I spotted him, sitting directly across from me. Nina was placed to him, holding a familiar looking baseball cap in her hands. It looked like mine, but red and with no decal on the front.

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