Chapter 19

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After the talk with her brother they walked on the dirt path back to their house. "Can I take you on a date?" Luca asked simply. She walked silently stunned.... He never took her on a date let alone anyone. She never knew him to be this sweet. "Victoria?" He asked her, and when she tried to speak up and say something she couldn't instead all that came were tears and memories."Love are you alright?" He asked her trying to pick her up bridal style but she pushed away and shook her head. She just dropped her cane and ran into the woods hurting herself even nore. She screamed in pain and fell to the ground but it wasn't exactly the pain of her back, but her wolf was surfacing. She let it take control as she stood up and ran farther. She jumped in mid air and shifted into her wolf ripping her clothes to shreds.

Tears that were clouding her vision cleared as she ran to the lake she knew well. She ran for an hour before reaching the lake and stopping. If she was a male wolf she could've been there in twenty, but she wasn't and she ran there in record time. It was about only mid day and she wanted a swim. She shifted back into her human form nakedly and quickly walked into the water till the water brushed over her breasts. The water was freezing cold since it was almost winter but she didn't care. She walked deeper till the water was at her neck before going all the way under. The tears we're gone and now all the was left was the happy and angry feeling. She was happy that Luca was hers and she was his, she was happy that he loved her. But she was mad that he treated her like crap so he wouldn't get her and he beat her almost to death, and now he was treating her like nothing ever happened. She swam underneath the water and didn't pull up for air. She wanted to die right there but she knew it wasn't a choice so she surfaced for air black spots clouding her eyes from the lack of air.

She gasped for air and quickly swam to the shore before sitting down on a flat Rock. Facing the water she squeezed the water out of her hair and put her hands behind her and stared at the beautiful pond with it's waterfalls and clear blue water. Everything about today had it's ups and downs. And this might have been her most relaxing moment in the past few months. She let out a long sigh before closing her eyes feeling the cold air beat against her skin cooling her down and drying her off. She thought about what the future could hold for her for the next half hour waiting to go home and just fall asleep in bed with Luca. She wanted to feel the Sparks he gave her no doubt but she still could hate him. She let out another sigh and just sat there. It was already getting dark by the time she decided to go back. She decided to wait just a few more minutes before to make sure he totally calmed down knowing he was probably pissed.

After a few more minutes she stood up and stretched letting out a yawn before turning around and running into a hard object. She felt Sparks all over her body and the thing she ran into rubbed it's hands over her arms. She knew it was Luca there was no doubt, and she could tell from the sparks. She wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his hair as he brought her naked body to his clothed one. They stayed in silence like that for a few minutes before she spoke up.

"I'm sorry Luca. I would love to go on that date." She said taking a hand and tugging at the him of his shirt. She put her hands under his shirt and felt up his abs. She went down to his pants before stopping she slid her hands down over his pants landing on his hardening dick making him moan.

"Why are you such a tease?" He asked putting his hand over hers keeping her hand there.

"I'm going to promise you something Luca. I promise you that if you can prove to me I can commit into this relationship that you can take me in anyway after I get accepted into the pack, and after we destroy the boss of this pack. I need to make sure he's gone before we do anything." She said taking her hands off his lump and to his neck. Before he said anything he took off his shirt and handed it to her.

"Fine. But right now I want no male to see you naked so put that on." He said growling at the thought of unmated male wolves. She quickly complied and put it on before he carried her bridal style back home... Home. What was home? Home was a place of love, a place where people welcome you. She used to have a home. A wonderful one with her mom and dad, until she turned off age. Then Luca became her home... Luca her wonderful, sexy mate who is there for her in her worst times now that they could be together. Luca stiffened sensing she was aroused. "You have no idea how you affect me Victoria." He said walking forward.

"I believe I do Luca. And I believe you want me to show you a good time, no?" She asked. He simply nodded obviously not knowing what she was getting at. "I'm going to put on a show for you Luca. It'll be the best show you ever watched." She said whispering in his ear. She felt him shudder in joy as he grunted in agreement. She snuggled into his chest and breathed in his scent making her even more aroused than she was.  Then the pain came, it shot straight through her core and spread  through her body.

"Baby your in heat!! Please don't make me go through this torture of watching you again. Please Victoria love, please I'm begging you." He said tears in his eyes. He could feel her pain, and he had his own tears in his eyes. There was a twig snap which made Luca jerk hi head up. She looked up and they were surrounded by people of all sizes and builds where in wolf masks.

"Your lucky, because you don't have to. Now you can hand her over, or... We force her from your arms and either way will do." A man with a fine build and said. You could see the lust in his eyes behind the mask but nothing else of his body. Luca slowly twisted around seeing they were surrounded.

"Never in a million years." He said full alpha mode. All werewolves had to do as told by an alpha but they didn't step back. Instead they tightened the circle meaning... They had wolfsbane in there system for a reason like this.

"The hard way then huh? We have guns loaded with silver and wolfsbane and will use them." The obvious leader of the group said.

"Luca please, I don't want you hurt!! Please Luca let me go with them the easy way, I'll come back to you I promise baby." She said putting her hand on his lump in his pants and up to his chest. She did it as a gesture she was only his and would be back. He growled and set her down.

"Good boy. Now Victoria, come here." He said but Luca had other plans. In the blink of an eye he had the man up by the throat and was about to rip his mask off when gun shots where fired. Luca fell to the ground blood gushing out of him.

"No!!" She screamed. She started to shift not in control of her body but before she could she felt a pain in her shoulder. "Don't kill him." Where her last words before blackness consumed her making her fall to the ground.


Hey if you don't like sexual intercourse, and force then the next chapter is not for you!!! XD hahahaha. Sorry hehehehe? Anyways I warned you and if you can't figure out exactly what it means!!! Then don't say I didn't warn you!! And don't kill me next chapter please!! Thanks.

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