Chapter 14

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She layed on her side in the ICU of the pack hospital watching Law And Order. She had been there for three days now since she woke up and Luca said he gave the money to Steven for tomorrow. Luca had insisted on staying with her the whole time but she told him to  go home and rest. They kept arguing about but she won by saying that the nurses and doctors are there to help her.

She was watching a Law And Order about a man who raped women then burned off their, and his hands so that they couldn't take DNA samples and ECT. She ate some Doritos and licked her fingers not having anything better to do. Her family has visited and stayed the night last night but left when Luca came in. Steven was the only one that stayed when Luca came in, and when her father saw Luca she saw disgust and hatred towards him. She would have too if he was her daughter's mate, and if he took over their pack. Some of random packs and easpecialy the dark lust pack to which she was Luna of came in and said their blessings. Even Kane had came in and stayed with her seeing as he's her servant. They played bored games together and he lost most of them. She knew he was trying to make feel better but she told him the gig is up and to play how he usually plays and not to let her win.

After that he beat her at almost every game but chess, and blokus. He had became one her closest friends she had ever had. He could make her smile anytime of the day, supposedly even in her sleep. Luca said she had smiled in her sleep and yelled Kane's name. Luca was obviously jealous of them playing games together but she told him that there was nothing between them and that she was his and his only. Luca seemed to calm down after that knowing she was telling the truth. She took the empty bag of chips and dumped the crumbs in her mouth. She tossed the bag in the trash and opened another family size pack of flaming hot Cheetos. All the chips she was brought were family sized and she ate most of them all by herself.

A knock came on the door which shocked her. The nurses came in without knowing whenever they felt like it, and she wasn't expecting guests. "C-come in." She said. She has been stuttering from the trauma that happened to her when she was whipped. She wouldn't go one sentence without stuttering, which made everyone annoyed but she couldn't help it. Luca and Kane came in smiling with more balloons and a... Air mattress?

"I couldn't sleep baby, so I'm sleeping in here with you." Luca said knoticing her questioning face when she looked at it. She simply nodded not wanting to stutter again. Kane came up and handed her a mini box.

"What's t-this?" She asked grabbing it.

"Umm.. open it and you'll see. Luca said it was fine." He said as she opened the box. Inside was a black and white friendship bracelet's.

"A-aww K-kane you didn't have to d-do this!!" She said smiling as she took the black one and Kane took the white one.

"I know I'm your servant but I also know that we're friends." He said smiling slipping his on. She admired it and put it on her own. "I made them myself." He said smiling proudly.

"T-thank you." She said smiling before she shoved flaming hot Cheetos into her mouth. Luca was filling up the air mattress the whole time as they were talking. "L-luca do y-you want some?" She  asked holding out the bag for him. He simply grabbed some and tossed it into his mouth with pleasure.

"You need to rest Victoria. Doctor's orders, and we know you don't want to fall asleep for fear of waking up being whipped but I'm here now." He said rubbing her head. She shook her head.

"Y-you weren't t-there last time. W-where we're you w-when I was taken?" She asked not knowing why she didn't ask before. She was suddenly angry, Luca hadn't been there to stop whoever did that to her.

"The man hit me from behind baby. I tried to fight back but the person put something in my neck knocking me out right away. I wish I could've done something then but I couldn't because I wasn't expecting it." He said taking her hand and placing a kiss on it gently.

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