Chapter 2

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Kat POV:

A few hours later, I was awake. I was still in my room, listening to the darling buds, and absolutely starving. But I wouldn't dare go downstairs and face my mom, not for anything. So, I commence my nightly ritual.

Brushing my messy, light brown hair, washing my face with my vast array of products, and proceeding to maneuver plastic tools around my annoying braces. I can't wait to get them off. Do you know how impossible it is to look nice in red lipstick with a painfully reflective metal mouth blinding everyone in my path? That's only one of MANY things I would change about myself.

There is only one person on this earth who shouldn't change a single thing, the same person that I would change everything for. One person who is perfectly imperfect. A very cliche term, I know. But in his case, it's totally true. The man is a sexy Gandalf. With his tousled blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes, and a smile that Taylor Swift would say "lights up this whole town" (or world, more like). And his colorful tattoos that play peek-a-boo beneath his oversized T-shirts and sweaters.

I am talking about the only one who will be there for me, if only in movies, whenever I might need it: Jamie Campbell Bower.

James Metcalfe Campbell Bower, the man who will in one week, four days, and 17 hours, be 126 miles from where I live. It is Monday (unfortunately) so that means next Friday at 5:00. It's unbelievable, how you can know that your number 1 celebrity will be so close to you, singing your favorite songs, talking in his suuuupppeerrr cute, adorable English accent and making quick remarks at his fans who call out to him, and all you can do is sit. Sit and wallow in self pity, because your mom won't let you go. It's like seeing the light at a never ending tunnel. My heart felt like it was ripping in two, and that's what I wanted it to do. Because if I can't go see the person I love the most, I'm better of dead.

JCB tells us to "hold on to what you believe". Well I only believe in one thing as of now, hope. And I'll tell you, my hope is surely dwindling quickly.

--------------Authors Note----------------

Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you for reading and to please vote and comment! Also, I need to clarify that I do NOT feel as dramatically as this character. I don't think I'm better of dead if I don't get to meet JCB, I also love my mom very much sooo yeah don't think I'm crazy or phsyco or anything. Love y'all!!

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