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It had been a slow day so far. His shift had only been going for five minutes but Ryan was ready for a break. The smell of leftover smoothies was already too sickening and he, as usual, felt queasy because of it. His smile had faded and he scanned the room for a customer, not being successful in finding one.

Then, the door's small bell rung out and Ryan spotted a smiling boy he'd never seen before. His hair was almost sepia coloured, choppy and "poofed" a little at the top. At least, that's what Ryan had described it as.

Ryan's manager had appeared mere seconds later, alerted by the sound of the bell. "Ah, Ryan!" His manager had said, resting his hand on Ryan's shoulder; Only to lift it when he noticed the glare he'd received. His manager cleared his throat, "I see you've met our newest recruit."

Ryan scoffed, "He's not our newest recruit. And techincally, no I haven't." He said sourly, leaving out how he doesn't want to either. The "new recruit" frowned a little, smiling again when his new manager introduced the two.

"Ryan, this is Brendon. Make him welcome please, I had a meeting about five minutes ago." And without another word, his manager left. How typical of him to be late, Ryan thought refusing to look anywhere but the door.

The two are currently alone and staring at each other, completely silently. Brendon, staring in delight and excitement but Ryan, in almost disgust. After all, this was his smoothie bar, his job. The last thing he wanted was some stranger messing that up.

"Aren't you going to show me around? Tell me how things work?" Brendon blinks innocently at Ryan, still keeping that same stupid grin. Ryan shrugs, "I'm attending to our customers." Brendon pauses, looks around the empty room and supresses a laugh. "No one's here." He says, gesturing his hands in a fashion that could only be perceived as ridiculous.

Ryan decides that he doesn't like Brendon very much. Every second he reckons he destests him more. He folds his arms. "Fine Brendo-" Brendon cuts him off, "Call me Bren!" He grins, scooting closer to the bar and infront of Ryan. "As I was saying, Brendon," Ryan repeats, refusing to nickname the latest addition to his list entitled "things Ryan can't stand." "Come behind the bar and I'll show you how to work the machine."

Brendon practically bounces over the counter, rather smoothly and lands beside Ryan, their shoulders only just touching. Ryan steps to the machine and taps the screen that lights up to his touch. "Customers will tell you their flavour and topping, or whatever. You tap this button here for flavour, pick one, tap this one then for topping, pick one and press this one here to make it." Ryan presses them in the order and it spills into the cup that was already waiting underneath. "Now, you try." He points to the machine and drinks his smoothie.

Brendon stares at the machine, his fingers hover above the screen and he begins, hesitaintly. "Honestly, even an idiot couldn't screw this up-" There's a bang. Followed by smoothie spilling out everywhere. Ryan stands in horror, watching Brendon get coated in a sticky mess of various smoothie flavours and toppings. "You know what?" Ryan asks, wiping smoothie from Brendon's nose and tasting it. "I think you proved me wrong."

Brendon's face lights up, "You mean I did good?" He wipes more smoothie off of his face. Ryan nearly laughs, how on earth can breaking the machine be good? "No, I mean.. maybe an idiot can screw it up." Brendon frowns, clearly that wasn't what he was hoping to hear. "Welcome to the team... Bren." Ryan smiles for the first time since Brendon walked in and leans in, kissing him lightly on the lips. Brendon blushes, "Th-thanks." He mutters before kissing Ryan back.

They can both already tell they'll be great "friends".

*I think this would be pretty fun to continue- but the plot would be too hard to make interesting.*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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