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I ran for minutes after Emma and I promptly collapsed on the hard sidewalk, I made an ouch sound, a loud one but the street is so quiet that I heard it echoing all the way to my house. Maybe !

I took a sip from my foggy bottle and relaxed my hands on the pavement. my stamina needs some serious improvements.

I put on my earphones and enjoyed the playlist that I made with so much care on Spotify, I dived into my own emotions while mimicking the songs one after one, and enjoying the many stars that were shining on the dark sky this night.

I close my eyes and sighed deeply remembering that soon I will not be breathing the same air that I inhaled for more than twenty long years.

" Oh my god " I yelped, surprised when my earphones were snatched away from my ears.

" Gray, the hell dude, you almost killed me " I yelled out of fear.

"Sorry love" a simple pick on the cheek and I calm down.

Otherwise, I would never yell at him. Grayson is my life saver, we've been friends since the NICU.

Weird coincidence! HUH

" Can you just promise me to think more with your mind like a normal genius student " he claimed leaving me confused

" What do you mean? " I asked

" Good Lord !! Sometimes I just wonder how you are so genius that you get this scholarship abroad" He scoffed seriously

" Are you insulting me? " I demanded while trying to be as serious as I could in front of his angelic face.

" I'm not, I'm just wondering how a smart girl can sit here in the dark in front of a vast abandoned forest" His question triggered the smart side of my brain and I, myself started wondering how did I get here?

" I was running after Emma and my short breath stopped me here " I explained

" And why were you running after her? One of your silly games again " he joined smacking his ass on the sidewalk

" No, I mean yes, she called me something I hate and I ran after her, but I was also intending to ran anyway so .. you know, it just happened" I answered.

" I'll be damned If I understood Sky " He looked around in confusion then sighed

" I'm seriously concerned about you" He continued with a concerned face.

I stare blankly at him for seconds not understanding what is he even talking about.

" Well, I told you that I was already intending to go for a ran and Emma was with me and then she called me this full name that I hate; and then I ran after her ... Did you get it? " I exhaled exhausted by my rapid speaking

" Why am I even explaining this to you ? " his face was red shot and he was clearly holding his laughter " Are you kidding me? I'm a joke right " I snapped, he's really annoying sometimes and I was for once so seriously explaining.

" No, No I did I understood. I'm sorry " he managed to let out in between his loud chuckles

" So she called you Skylar Luna Moon, and you ran ..b" I hit the back of his head and before I could lash out at him, he ran at full speed and I obviously followed behind.

" Fuck you, Grayson. I'll kill you if you ever come anywhere near me" I shout after throwing at him my bottle of water.

"I won't let you go without saying goodbye and thanks for the water" he gulped the water at once and blew me a kiss that I furiously turned away.

After the back and forth with gray, I returned home and the road back never seemed long in my whole existing life until today, I was completely exhausted from chasing people, and I regretted throwing my water at him.

" That looks quite a ran, you are drained, " Mom remarked as soon as I stepped inside the house.

" Yeah " I confirmed after gulping half of the bottle from the fridge.

" It's not good to do that, young lady how many times I warned you about drinking that while your body is still warm and sit down while you're drinking " she warned with her well-manicured hand towards me.

I couldn't do more than smile brightly this time, thinking that this might be the last I hear that in a long while. So let her be.

" I may be starting to second guess this whole idea of you alone in a foreign country." She confessed

A part of me wants to yell that I never agreed to go in the first place, she pushed me into this!

" Emma is gonna be there, so I'm not really going alone" I decided to keep my cool.

" I don't really trust her, you're making me more worried " she snorted angrily making me scoff

" Let me remind you, mom, that Emma was there and still by my side when everyone was against, she's the friend that stood against the ones who were talking shit to my face so I will not let you speak badly about her. " I snapped in rage

Mom's shocking face didn't stop me to continue " And by the way women you were the one who wanted so badly to make me move away from here, from you. As if living without a dad wasn't enough ". At last, I said what I was intending to do for the whole day.

Those were my last words before I stormed away to my room.

My bed was a real mess, clothes chattered everywhere.

"Emma was supposed to help with the bags"

I murmur frustrated to myself after tossing everything on the ground and laying down on my comfy bed for one of the last times in a long while.

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