Chapter 25: Beige

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1) I, being a kind and self-hating insomniac, have created a smut chapter purely for everyone's enjoyment since this book is becoming very dark VERY FAST and I'm sorry about that... It's going to be under 'Sorry Mom' and will be released sometime tomorrow night (Friday, November 2nd, 2017).

2) Shout out to @anjellamarie for actually asking nicely for an update... Like girl I ~see~ you, 10/10 for smoothness... Also, general PSA for those who aren't as suave as anjellamarie

I can't pull chapters out of ass (though I kinda am tbh) I'm sorry I can't update super fast but I'm trying so bear with me :)


Amadeo's POV and kinda violent so like beware...


Chapter 25: Beige


I leap off the ground, not even caring about my sore, bloody legs. I kick Dante straight in the stomach, making him recoil and drop the gun.

I can hear the metal slide against the floor, filling the room with a grating sound as both Dante and I stare at each other.

"You," Dante starts, "are actually crying? " he finished confused.

I don't honor him with a verbal response, instead landing my fist on the side of his face, hitting his temple and making his head snap to the side. Dante turns back to face me, smiling that disgusting white smile of his, but this time his pristine teeth had a pinkish shade to them as blood gushed from an open wound in his mouth.

"HA! The devil is crying, now that's a sight to see," Dante continues as if I hadn't just socked him in the face.

Anger rushes through my veins as he keeps laughing and laughing. I despise him. He is the reason of Levy's suffering. He is the reason why I'll never see those eyes that haunt my very existence. I can't stand him for it.

He can't be dead.

He isn't dead, I convince myself.

"You fucker!" I scream, grabbing his shirt and hurdling him into a wall, but he keeps laughing uncontrollably.

"I wasn't actually excepting you to cry! Thank god I have security footage of this or else I would have never believed it!"

" Hijo de puta," I snarl, grabbing his black hair and slamming it against the metal corner of his desk, but before I can hear the satisfying crunch, Dante judo flips me, making me land on my back.

"I heard that Romero had a good go at that boy," Dante smirks at me, leaning against the table beside him.

I wipe Dante's feet out from under him, making his back hit the metallic desk on his way to falling at his knees. Dante grabs me by the collar and brings me into a chokehold with his leg before I can counter him.

"I watched the tapes, ah, he was exquisite, he didn't even fight back after Romero tied him down, he just gave up. He probably realized you were never coming back for him," my fingers scratch and tear at Dante's leather pants, "hm?"

Air burns out of my throat as Dante tightens his hold, practically making my head pop off. I dig my nails into his hand and try to lift up his pinky to loosen his grip to no avail.

Don't believe him. Don't believe him, he's a liar. Levy isn't dead.

I start hacking for air, veins bulging.

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