Chapter 30: Solace

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A/N: I apologize for my grand absence (midterm season my men plus my phone died on me RIP old phone 2014-2018, it had a good run)

Thank you for all the likes and support I can't believe I'm almost at 1k likes... it's kind of surreal tbh ƪ˘)ʃ

I'll try updating more, it's just... midterms



So either I try and continue The Stars I gave to you


I write a even gay-er story about Romero trying to get a guy to love him (I know he's horrible and I hate him but he's also my broken child and I love him)

Please give me your opinion, I just really don't know where to go after this story

Btw both of them will start/ continue after I finish this horrible piece of work :p

Alastair's POV
POV change later

Chapter 30: Solace

I quietly sat on the hard wooden chair and observe the chaos that surrounded me.

Max was still asleep but now Leviathan was sleeping next to him, clutching his bloodied hand. Matt was staring daggers at the scene while ranting about how he would chop off Max's dick. Meanwhile Veneno and some skinny American kid with amber eyes that bordered orange (I think his name was Julius or something) were whispering quietly to one another as if they were observing the world from an isolated area that never overlapped into our dimension. Then there was another American trying to calm Matt down while Serafino was barking orders at his remaining men (and woman) who were either observing how the hell a skinny American twerp managed to coax Veneno to be aware, let alone talk to him, or blankly stared at Max's battered body and the thick, sleeping man clutching onto him.

"Everyone. Out." I command, not standing up from my seat. Most of the men, except Matt and Serafino, gave one glance at me and ran outside the makeshift hospital that was made in my house.

"What do you mean out," Matt says, "Those two are- "

"They are resting, or at least they should be without this meaningless racket," I carelessly interrupt. For some reason that guy irked me to my core.

Serafino noticed my jaw clicking and put his hand on Matt's shoulder, guiding him outside.

"If there's such a racket then why isn't he leaving too," I hear Matt whine to Serafino as the door shuts.

I sigh silently in relief, but I don't really feel relief. Everything was askew.

I've always thought of Max as invincible; the things he has survived, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a cockroach. Yet, he looks so weak, so fragile. I've never seen him so frantic or so incredibly desperate for something as trivial as another human.

I observed Leviathan sleeping quietly, latching onto Max's hand. I think I trust him. The way he was sobbing over Max's body and his refusal to let him slip out of his sight was a testament to how much they equally depend on each other for survival.

I still found something weird. Something was off with Max and it wasn't a gradual change in personality after not seeing him for so long.

I was deep in thought when Max's body twitched. It was only when his eyes fluttered open and the dreadful noise of someone choking filled the room did I snap back to reality. I ran towards the bed, Max's eyes were wide open and frantically jumping from object to object, while his surprised, choked noises were muffled by the tube the doctors had put down his throat to help him breath.

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