Kiss your crush!

273 9 3

Toko: "Oh hey, we got our first dare in... 12 minutes? Nice job! Anyways, it was by @BeyBurstForever2244 and it says... Wakiya, Rontaro and Zac to kiss their crushes..."

Nika: "I said not to do ships yet but fine. I'll go get-"

Valt had already got over to the door, shouting for his friends.

Valt: "Rontaro, Wakiya and Zac you guys got a dare!"

Rontaro: "Zac isn't here, and Wakiya's in the bathro- oop no nevermind!"

Wakiya: "I GOT A DARE WHAT IS IT?!?!"

Rontaro: "Hey! You can't beat ME, the master stair runner, up the stairs!

Wakiya: "I'm already up, dweeb."

Ronatro: "Right behind you. And anyways, what's our dare?"

Wakiya voice wasn't heard as Toko read the dare out again

Toko: "Kiss your crush."

Rontaro: "One, no crush! Two, I thought we weren't doing ships or stuff like that."

Nika: "Yea, i'll let it slip for now. Anyways, Wakiya?"

Wakiya: "Uhm... I... he [totally] isn't here right now, but like he lives in another town so you [totally] dont need to worry. [about anything]. Not like he's within a 30 min travel via foot uhh [totally, totally nothing like that at all]."

Rontaro: "Yea, of course goldilocks." 

Toko: "Backing down from a dare? Chicken?"

Nika grabs holds up a chicken hat, and puts a score of -1 for Wakiya. 

Rontaro: "Buk buk- Bagaaaak!"

Wakiya (whom was blushing): "Wait is that a points system?"

Nika: "Yep. The more dares and questions you do, the more points you have! The commenters also suggest on a scale what their dare or question might be. Like this one, was a 2. Which would mean Rontaro is winning with 2 points, but he doesn't have a crush so he didn't complete it."

Wakiya then, turns to kiss Rontaro on the cheeck.

Wakiya: "2 points, I'm winning, goobai!"

Wakiya storms down the steps and hides in the bathroom as Rontaro standing in his holding arm stance was left shocked, and blushing.

Valt: "Uhhh, Ok then?"

Shu: "That laves Wakiya leading with 2 points. Comment down below some dares or asks, and rate them what you think they should be. Anyways, Toddle doo!"

Toko and Nika: "[Simaltaniously] HEY! That's what we say!"

Valt was now laughing uncontrollably.

Ask or dare beyblade burstWhere stories live. Discover now