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Shu: "Next one is from @Bluejay12349again, and they dare Wakiya to sky dive and Rantaro to stay in a butterfly house for four hours."

Wakiya: "WHAT?!?!"

Valt: "Keep it down, you're going to wake Toko and Nika up... oh wait, no you're not! You're on a plane right now. Have fun sky diving!!! :D"


Wakiya is thrown out the plain and screams, but finds himself stopping after realising he doesn't have much oxygen up there.

Rantaro is pushed by Diago and Valt tp the nearest Butterfly house. He is fine there at first, as he was already have asleep. 

Rantaro 30 mins in: "Huh? Aww, look at these cute little things."

He seems to be so sleepy as to he doesn't notice what they are.

Rantaro: [after 75% awake at hour 1] "Hey wait, are these butterflies? Man I hate these things. Just give me a minute to wake up first"

Rantaro then sits down in a corner and sleeps for some time.

Wakiya still has no idea what he's doing.

Wakiya: "Ahhhhh... what's the point. It's a like a death sent- what's this? [reading] Pull to retract parach- AHA!"

Wakiya pulled the parachute, but that was a great mistake, as he still have a long ways down to go.

It is an hour and 30 minutes in and Ranataro awakens

Rantaro: "Oh yea, the butterfly dare."

He yawns and stretches

Rantaro: "Know where are all of- HEY THEY'RE ON MY NOSE OH NOES  GET EM OFF OF ME!"

[+1 point puns]

Rontaro starts to shake the butterflies off, and fans them away in the corner for the next hour or so. He tries his best to find an exit. Upon doing so and running back to where everyone was, He fell asleep. -3 points (not 5 because he tried) 

Wakiya had made it to the bottom, but it was really boring after he pulled the parachute.


Wakiya: 6 points. 1st place
Zac Akira and Shu: all 1 point. 2nd place
Valt: 0.5 [or half] point. 3rd
everyone else: 0 [4th]
Rontaro: -3 [last]

I know this isnt as eventful at  the end as the others but it's because it's really late at night and ive been up too late the past few nights so.. yea

~Jaiden, OUT

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