chapter six: daisy, daisy

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'Promise made,
But never kept.
Hearts that are broken,
Tears that are wept.'


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Maggie awoke to the soft sound of birds chirping on Saturday morning. She got up from her bed, and checked her neck in the mirror. The once purpled marks has vanished leaving nothing but a canvas of her pale skin. It was like nothing even happened. Weird.

She huffed, took one good last look at herself in the mirror, and headed downstairs.

As Mags reached the bottom step, she was immediately greeted with the aroma of sweet pancakes topped with strawberries and powdered sugar, her favorite. She knew something was up.

She lived with her father, while her mother lived in Indiana. Her parents had divorced when she was just three years of age. It was part of what caused Maggie's great anxiety in the first place. Her father made a promise that from that day forward, that he would never leave her side. A promise that they would stick together through what life would throw at them. A promise that the father would always love and protect the daughter. A promise, that will be broken.

Whenever any bad news came into play, her father, Lenny, always made one of Maggie's favorite foods to lighten the mood.

Mags hated the thought of more unfortunate events happening to her at this time. She couldn't handle the stress.

"Good morning, sweetie. How did you sleep?" Lenny asked.

"Fine, I guess." Maggie mumbled. She had already started to get in a bad mood despite the delicious pancakes set out in front of her.

Her dad was usually clueless and could never tell one emotion from another, so he simply assumed she had actually gotten a well rested night's sleep. He could not have been any more wrong.

Mags couldn't go to sleep, in fear of seeing that twisted painted face again. She was truly frightened, and many things in this world didn't scare her. But this did.

When Maggie eventually closed her eyes and fell asleep, she saw it again, smiling at her and holding that single red balloon.

It kept singing over and over:

give me your answer do.
I'm half crazy,
all for the love of you.

That used to be one of Maggie's favorite childhood songs, but now, she hated it. It was now warped and twisted yet she couldn't get it out of her head. It was almost eating at her.

Mags sat down at her table and began eating her fluffy pancakes. As she was eating, Lenny began speaking, "So, I've got some news for you to hear." Here we go.

"I'm going to have to go out of Derry for a few days for a business trip. You're gonna have to be left on your own for a while. Do you think you can handle that?"

There was silence, then Maggie mindlessly spoke, "Sure."

She could most definitely not handle that.

"I will be leaving in a few hours, and I need you to go over to the drugstore quickly and grab a few things, can you do that for me?" Lenny asked.

He handed Maggie a list, she aggressively grabbed it, and walked out the door, leaving her barely touched pancakes on her plate.

She headed towards her bike that leaned up against a the mustard-colored wall of the house. She hopped on and pedaled down the road. My dad's leaving me, again, she thought as she just sighed and rolled her eyes.

Maggie had enough of this. She hated how people kept coming in and out of her life. She couldn't handle change well. Maggie has always blamed the divorce on herself, even though it had nothing to do with her.

Mags wheeled onto the sidewalk of the drugstore and threw her bike by a bunch of others on the ground. She entered the store and proceeded down the aisles, scanning for items on the list: toothpaste, floss, shampoo, gum.

Maggie grabbed two packs of gum and a slim bottle of shampoo that smelled like a misty river. She then found a travel size tube of toothpaste, along with some minty floss.

As she headed for the desk to purchase her items, she noticed a familiar boy in the corner of her eye.

Stan was with a group of other boys, standing in the medical section of the drugstore. Her heart started racing as she anxiously walked towards the desk.

Mags prayed that Stan wouldn't see her. Her foot nervously tapped to the sound of the sound of her own heartbeat, as Mr. Keene bagged her items.

He handed over a plastic bag with her purchases as she shoved the cash into his hand.

"Keep the change," Maggie quickly said, then headed towards the door, her heart racing. All she needed to do was get out of there, then she would be safe.

As her hand pressed against the door handle, the bell above the door rung, causing the group of boys, including Stan, to look towards her direction.

Maggie looked up towards the bell and froze. She felt multiple pairs of eyes of her. By now it was a familiar feeling.

She quickly snapped out of her trance and walked out the door, without even looking back.


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