chapter twentythree: alive and in one piece

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'Madness lives
inside your head,
of distant voices lost
and memories dead.'


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"Aren't you guys gonna come in?" Maggie asked.

"Nuh, uh. It's greywater," Eddie shook his head and refused.

"What the hell is greywater?" Richie asked, rolling his eyes.

"It's basically," Eddie took a moment to think, "Piss and shit. So I'm just telling ya!" He said as he threw his hands in the air.

"Whatever. I don't think we are finding anything here anyway. We should just head—"
Maggie stopped, as she looked towards a ghostly Bill. He seemed to be holding a small shoe, drenched in the murky water.

"Shit. Don't tell me that's..." Maggie began speaking, but faded off.

"No, S-S-Stanley wore l-l-l-lace-ups. This shoe b-belongs to," Bill paused as he read the name imprinted on the inside of the sneaker. "Betty Ripsom."

Maggie froze. She used to be one of her closest friends, but now she was just clown food.

"Holy shit," Richie exclaimed, "Can you imagine how Betty would feel? Walking around in these tunnels with only one friggin shoe?" He said, hopping on one foot.

"Beep, beep, Richard," Eddie said.

"Aren't you friends with Betty Ripsom?" Ben asked Maggie.

Everyone, including Richie, fell silent.

"Yeah, well, I used to be," Maggie responded, then paused, "Let's just go."

"M-M-Maybe we can find s-something at the w-w-w-well house," Bill added as Maggie and the rest of the group nodded.

The group made their way out of the concrete tunnels and headed towards the well house.

About twenty minutes later, they arrived at the wary structure that had bad vibes radiating off of it. The gang knew it was best if they didn't split up, so they decided to walk in together. Slowly, the cluster of kids walked up the creaky steps that sounded more like screams. As they entered the dwelling, an awful stench arose and tickled their noses.

"Oh God! What is that smell?" Mike questioned.

"It smells like actual shit, that's what," Eddie replied.

"It doesn't smell like caca to me señor!" Richie joked, as everyone else just rolled their eyes.

"Come on, let's keep going," Mags urged.

They walked through the old and worn house, then made their way down dusty steps into the basement. There, they stumbled upon a fragmented well.

"That's where we need to go. It leads to the entire sewer system. It'll lead to Stanley," Maggie spoke.

"How the fuck are we going to get down that hole?" Richie questioned.

Maggie looked around for something they could climbed down with, but had no luck. Just then, Bill poked her arm and handed her a long rope with knots tied throughout it.

"This will do," Maggie said, throwing it over the edge.

"So who's first?" Ben asked.

They all looked at each other wide eyed, daring someone, anyone to go.

After too long of a silence passed, Mags finally spoke up. "I'll go."

She boosted herself up onto the ledge of the crumbling well and took grab of the rope beside her. She then turned her body completely around, so now she was holding onto just the rope. Mags climbed down the line and eventually made her way to the bottom.

"Are you guys coming or what?" Maggie's voice echoed at the bottom of the well.

"Come on g-g-guys."

The group slowly made its way down, one by one. Bill pulled out his flashlight and looked around into the darkness.

"How are we going to find Stanley? This place is too big," Richie complained.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that we are going to find him. Alive and in one piece. Got it?" Mags spoke.


The club searched around some more, then stumbled upon an enormous, open area. It seemed to be the place where all the town's sewage was dumped. Maggie separated from the group a little bit to cover more ground. She didn't care if she got caught by that bloody thirsty clown. All she cared was about Stanley, and if he was alive.

Mags walked a little more then noticed something in the air. It seemed to something that was floating by itself. Wait, no. It was someone. And it was Stanley. And he was floating.


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