chapter twentysix: outside looking in

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'Some people survive the chaos
and that is how the grow.
And some people thrive in chaos,
because chaos is all they know.'


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Maggie entered her empty home once again. As she walked in, she was was greeted by a note on her kitchen table.

D A I S Y—
I will be working a little later
today than usual. I shouldn't be
too long. Dinner is ready in the
fridge. Preheat the oven to 375
and wait about 15 minutes.
See you soon.

Mags didn't realize how late it was when she glanced over at the clock.

6:18 P.M

Maggie sighed and decided to head upstairs. The papers and books once scattered on her floor, were tidied up on a nice stack on the corner of her desk. Kate must have done it. Maggie was starting to warm up to her.

She sat on her window nook and looked at the house next to hers. She missed Stan. A lot. But now he would never know.

She opened her window in case there was something left in him that reminded him of her. Maggie laid her back against the wall in her nook and closed her eyes. She drifted into a deep sleep that she so very badly needed.

Everything was dark, then Maggie heard a voice coming from a distance away. She couldn't quite make out what the words were, so she continued listening.

Daisy, oh, Daisy whatever will you do? The love of your life has forgotten you. But don't fret—for I am here. I'll be the only thing you'll have to fear. Just listen closely, and listen well. Listen to the words I'm going to tell. He won't remember, no, not at all. So why don't you go and end it all? Kill all your memories, kill all your feelings. For there is no more room for your sorrowful healing. So jump off, jump far away. Don't come back, for now you can never stay.

She recognized that fiendish voice. It.

Maggie's eyes jerked open and it was already the next day. Funny how time flies when your not having fun. However, something was off. She felt different, she felt weird. Almost like she was watching herself from outside of her body. She shook the feeling away and headed downstairs.

Mags took out the food from the fridge that was supposed to be for last night's dinner. She couldn't really tell what it was, but she popped in it the oven anyway. She waited for fifteen minutes, then took it out. Ohh, lasagna.

If her mother knew her at all, she would know that she absolutely hated lasagna. Maggie took the dish and just decided to throw it back in the fridge for it to rot in there rather than in her stomach.

Two weeks have passed and no sign of Kate or Stanley.

Mags was in her bedroom, reading a book. All of a sudden she heard a disembodied voice again. The voice. She closed her dusty book and laid it quietly on her bed as she listened in, even though she knew she wasn't going to like what it had to say.

Oh Daisy! How it's been a long time! Let's have some fun. Your life seems like a wreck at the moment. Would you mind it I took over for a while?

Before Maggie could respond, she felt that weird feeling again. But this time is was more stronger, more intense. She felt as if she wasn't herself.

Mags mindlessly walked out of her bedroom, down her stairs, and out of her house completely. She was a robot, who was unaware of what was happening to her. She barely even noticed that the Uris boy's window, that was sealed shut for the past two weeks, had finally been opened.


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