Ch. 18: Melting His Iced Heart

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Amy clutched his hand in hers, listening to the doctor while Mark laid motionless. Machines hooked up to him, an IV in his hand. An oxygen tube in his mouth that is hanging from his right side taped with medical tape. Black sticky circle pads attached to his sides and chest covered up by an hospital gown.

Three days has gone by since Mark got admitted into the hospital. Amy's grip on his hand tightens.

"A..A tumor?" She asks.  The doctor nods.

"While it is a non-cancerous tumor, it is what is causing his coma and what caused his blackout. Even though it is a non-cancerous tumor, it is still dangerous, especially one that is in his head." The doctor said. Amy looks at Mark, his skin is almost as pale as a ghost and his pulse is weakening by the minute. 'He's going to die if they don't do something. He is getting weaker and weaker. Why won't they operate?!' Amy thought. She looks at the doctor.

"You gonna remove it, right?" Amy asks. The doctor nods.

"Yes, but...we cannot." The doctor said. Amy's eyes widen.

"He's gonna die if you don't do something." Amy said. The doctor looks at Mark and then at Amy.

"We cannot perform a surgery on him because of the placement of the tumor. I'm sorry, but...let's hope he wakes up before it is too late for him to say goodbye." The doctor said. He leaves, tears fall down Amy's cheeks. She looks at Mark. She squeezes his hand.

"Babe, wake up. Wake up please, I need you now." Amy said. Mark remains motionless, Amy looks at Mark's heart monitor. 'His pulse is lower than what is was yesterday. He's dying. I...I can't let him go. I can't. Mark...wait..Mark's fans. They don't know what is going on, they need to know. Maybe they can do something.' Amy thought. She pulls out her phone and calls Signe. Signe picks up after a few rings.

"Amy, how's Mar--"

"They are going to let Mark die. We have to do something. I can't lose him, I can't. I can't let them do this to him. Mark doesn't deserve this treatment after all he has done for the community. Please--"

"I'll tell Sean and Felix. You stay with Mark, call us if you want someone with you. Okay? We won't let Mark die." Signe said. Amy squeezes Mark's hand, she bites her bottom lip.

"O-Okay..Hurry though. Mark is getting weaker as the time goes by."  Amy said. Signe nods. Amy then explains everything the doctor said to her.

"Okay. See ya." Signe said before she hung up. She looks over at Felix. Jack is resting upstairs. "They are going to let Mark die, they won't perform a life-saving surgery on him because of placement issues. got to do something. This surgery could save Mark and they won't perform it." Felix nods and pulls out his phone.

"Luckily, I have a lot of pull." He said. He got onto twitter. He scrolled down and starting typing:

'Calling all @markiplier fans, your boy is in trouble. Mark got admitted into a hospital three days ago after he collapsed. He is in a coma and the doctors' won't perform a life-saving surgery to remove a tumor. Let's force their hand. Right? @lordminion777 @jacksepticeye @muyskerm @cinniontoastken.' Felix tweeted. Jack flinches, hearing his phone vibrate. He does move to grab it at first, but it vibrates more. And after a few minutes, it starts to annoy him. His eyes open, showing his green eyes. He grabs the phone and unlocks it. He hops onto twitter seeing Felix's tweet and people's replies. He hears the door open and he closes his eyes. Signe walks over to him.

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