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fic is in eddie's pov

also the boys are like 15 or 16 ok

I pull my green lime suitcase underneath my bed and brush the small particles of dust that are beginning to form. If my mother was in the room, she would want to discard the suitcase, cause it could possibly pass some deadly disease. Then she would take my to the hospital like she normally does around two to three times a week, and demand the doctor for an X-ray. And then we wouldn't be able to go on vacation. 

My mother and I go on vacation only once a year for a couple weeks. We ride the Derry train to Massachusetts, where her sister and my cousins live. My aunt, who is very much like my mother, feeds her children medications on the hour. I think they're both like this because their mother died from infected tap water, but I do not know for sure. 

I slowly unzip the suitcase, examining how the zipper clasps the plastic ridges together to keep the suitcase zipped to enclose whatever is held inside the suitcase. 

I scoot over to my dresser, spastically pulling out different bright colored shirts and shorts, as well as packing my extra fanny pack that holds medications that I use whenever we go on vacation, such as travel packs of Advil and bug spray. 

A packing list sits on top of my dresser, intricately scripted in my mother's cursive handwriting. A majority of the list consists of the different medications that my mother has me take. When it's a good day, I ask her why I have to take so many since I am healthy, and she responds by saying something along the lines of that it will help me with my health later on in my adulthood, or that they're the reason they keep me healthy. 

I've proved her wrong before from the many times that I've skipped my medications to see what would happen. Except my inhaler; I would never stop using my inhaler. 

One time when I did skip my medication, I was hanging out at Richie's house and we were playing a board game. My watch had beeped, reminding me that I needed to take my seven different medications for the day. I had felt pretty good that day due to my lack of asthma attacks and migraines. Richie dared me not to take them, so, I didn't. And I felt completely fine. 

But I always felt completely fine when I was Richie. 

Well, I felt more than completely fine. 

When Richie and I spend some alone time together, it's like there is nothing else going on in the world. And everything is okay. Everything is perfect.

Though I do enjoy getting out of Derry, it hurts to leave Richie for two weeks. Honestly, it hurts me. 

Living with my sickly aunt, mother, and cousins is going to drive me into insanity without having any time to catch a breath of air. 

I rub my eyes as I snap myself back to reality, sighing at the amount of packing I have to accomplish before leaving. 

I look at the clock; it's around the time my mother takes her nap, which is exactly the time I climb out of the house from my window and bike to Richie's house. 

I pull on my lace-up converse and pull up the window next to my bed. I climb out of the window, looking behind myself to make sure that my feet grip onto the ladder that secretly lies against the house. 

I hop on my bike and quickly ride over to Richie's, occasionally checking my watch to make sure I allow myself enough time before my mother wakes up. 

I reach Richie's house and lean my bike against his house. I knock on the door, waiting for Richie's friendly face to answer. 

I can hear Richie yelling behind the door, probably claiming his call to answer the door, assuming that I was probably on the other side. 

Richie unlocks the door and opens it, his face immediately lighting up.

"Hey, Eds!" Richie says excitedly, "I've got something to show you, c'mon."

I hadn't told him that I was leaving for vacation tomorrow; trying to wait until the very last minute to break the sad news to him. 

I follow him upstairs, our quick steps pounding on the wooden planks. 

"I got this new record player yesterday and it sounds like you're at a real-life concert!" Richie says profoundly as he files through a stack of records that sit on his lap. 

"Do you have any Bowie?" I ask curiously, since David Bowie is one of my favorite musicians. 

"Yes! Why wouldn't I?" Richie responds jokingly, almost disgusted. 

Richie pulls out one of my favorite Bowie records, Heroes. 

"This is one of my favorites!" I freak out as Richie looks back and smiles at me. 

"I know," Richie laughs, "that's why I started listening to Bowie." 

I blush a bit, surprised that Richie would give up his music taste in heavy metal for some more mellow stuff. 

The record scratches as Richie places the stylus on the record, as it begins to play the song named after the album, Heroes. 

I'm currently sitting on the edge of Richie's bed as he walks over and sits right next to me. 

"Hey," Richie says as he starts to lean towards my face. 

"I'm leaving for vacation," I say before we kiss. 

Richie pulls back a little. 

"For how long?" He says softly. 

"Two weeks," I sigh.

Richie brushes my cheek, as he also sighs. 

"It won't be too long," I say optimistically, "And I'll bring you souvenirs too and we can talk about the trip as if you had gone with me!" 

"That's ok, Eds," Richie says sweetly, "But let's enjoy this time before you have to leave." 

I nod, "Please. I need to be able to keep myself calm before dealing with two weeks of absolute hell."

Richie leans in again, and slowly brushes his lips with mine. 

My hand runs through his hair as he wraps his other arm around my neck. 

We continue kissing as the song reaches it's instrumental section. 

I lean forward more, counteracting Richie's movements towards mine, and kiss him a bit more aggressive. 

Richie whines just a little towards my sudden move, and adjusts to it by sliding his hand down on my waist. 

We kiss through the rest of the song, and lean into each other, just holding one another before I have to return to my mother's wrath. 

These last few minutes were so valuable, feeling the warmth of Richie's breath on my neck before it would be gone for days and days. 

We laid together and held each other, before these precious moments would disappear. 

yeah this one was kinda lame but here ya go haha

if you have any requests pls let me know!! 

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