richie's girl pt. 2

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Richie's lips brush against Suz's lips as her fingers become intertwined in his shaggy brown hair. Richie rubs her back, his lips responding to the movement of her's. 


it doesn't feel right. 

For some reason, Richie feels nothing. He doesn't get that tingly feeling when he's around Suz. He never really did. She was a pretty, nice girl and he liked that. He liked walking through the halls at school with her hand locked in his. Everyone knew that Richie was dating Suz, and he liked it. 

Maybe that was the problem. 

He only liked Suz for his reputation, but why? 

Richie pulls away from Suz, these thoughts suddenly rushing to his mind for the first time. 

Suz touches Richie's arm, looking hurt at his actions. 

Richie adjusts his glasses and runs his hands through his hair, looking off into a whole other world. 

"Rich-" Suz whispers sweetly to Richie. She calls him Rich, short for Richie. Richie hates it, but hasn't ever said anything so he wouldn't hurt her feelings. 

Richie sighs. 

"Did I do something wrong?" Suz asks, extremely confused. 

"No- no, nothing wrong," Richie says dryly, shrugging off Suz's affectionate touch.

"What the hell, Richie?" Suz responds, much angrier now. 

Richie turns his head sharply towards her, "I don't fucking know, Suz, is that what you wanted to hear?"

Suz looks at Richie with a blank stare. 

"My mind is all over the place," Richie mumbles, trying to explain how he felt to Suz, "I don't feel anything anymore. Or really ever," Richie says, frowning at himself. 

"Are you saying -" Suz says, her voice rising as she kept talking, "-that this WHOLE TIME, you didn't feel ANYTHING between us?" 

"I can't explain it. My brain isn't really connecting with my heart - if that makes any sense," Richie tries to explain, "I really really like you Suz, and that's what I think, but my heart isn't responding the same way."

"Are you dating some other girl?" Suz snarls, squinting her eyes, "Is that what it is, Rich? If it is, you can get the fuck out of my house before my dad comes running to beat the shit out of you." 

"No! It isn't like that at all - I just don't know anymore," Richie sighs for the millionth time. 

"We can try to fix this," Suz says, her voice much quieter and calmer. 

"I think it's best that I go now," Richie says monotonously again, disregarding what Suz asked him. 

"So this is how we're ending this?" Suz replies, her voice rising again. 

Richie walks towards her bedroom door. Before reaching the doorknob he turns around. 

"Yeah, Suz. I need some time to figure what is going on with my heart. I don't want to have to hurt you anymore than I already have," Richie says kindly, giving a small smile as he leaves her bedroom. 

Suz runs after Richie, tears running down her cheeks, leaving mascara stains on her fair skin. 

"Fuck you, Richie. I thought you loved me," Suz catches up to Richie, shoving him outside of her house and slamming the door behind him. 

Richie races home on his BMX bike, the crisp fall air stinging the tears that stream down his face, fogging up his glasses. 

Richie reaches his home, shoving his bike aside and running upstairs to his bedroom to be able to deal with the pain, alone. 

He lays in his small, twin-sized bed, looking up at his smooth, white ceiling. 

Richie tries to think of at least one time in his summer fling with Suz that made his heart soar, his stomach fill with butterflies, a moment of pure happiness and bliss. 


there wasn't ever a time like that. 

The best times of his summer was when he would bike to the Quarry with Eddie and the Losers, or grab a milkshake with Eddie, which happened much less than it normally did for the two due to Richie and Suz's relationship. 

Oh! And that time when he and Eddie went to the Derry Fair at sunset, and watched the fireworks light up the sky on the Fourth of July. 

Those times made his heart soar. Made Richie's stomach fill with butterflies. Made his mind in absolute happiness and bliss. 

But still, 

Richie didn't realize what his heart was telling him. 

His heart was telling him that he loved Eddie. 

Richie sits up quickly, sending a rush to his head. He stumbles over to the chord phone sitting on his desk and knew exactly who to call. 

"Hello?" a young boy's voice echoed through the phone speaker. 

"Eds?" Richie says, holding back his tears. 

"Yeah, Richie, what's wrong? You don't sound ok," Eddie replies back, concern filled in his voice. 

"I broke up with Suz," Richie mumbles, tears rolling down his face once again.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Richie, that really sucks. What happened?" Eddie says, feeling sorry for his best friend. 

"It didn't feel right anymore. Or really anytime. I don't know why," Richie says, trying to explain how he felt. 

"Can I just come over?" Eddie says, knowing that Richie really needed to talk to him. 

"Yes, I really need you, Eds," Richie almost whispered into the phone so his parents wouldn't hear.

Within a few minutes Eddie was tapping on Richie's window. Richie did have a two-story home, so whenever Eddie would come over to hang out with Richie at night, they had a ladder hidden in one of the shrubs around Richie's house. 

Richie met Eddie at the window, looking into his dark brown eyes before letting him in. 

His eyes were filled with worry, concern, and love for his friend. And for some reason, that made Richie's face flush with heat. 

He pulled up the window and holds it for Eddie as he slips inside of Richie's warm bedroom. 

Eddie turns around to look at Richie, and Richie immediately begins sobbing. Eddie lunges into Richie's arms, rubbing his back as Richie's body shakes. 

"Eddie," Richie speaks in-between sobs. 

"It's ok, Richie. I'm here," Eddie says, leaning his head into Richie's chest. 

Richie's heart lurches. 

Suddenly, those words that came out of Eddie meant everything. 

Eddie had always been there for Richie. Out of all the Losers. Out of anyone he knew. Eddie was always there. 

Richie pulls away from Eddie, and wipes his tears away. 

Eddie looks up, confused. 

"Eddie," Richie whispers again. 

"Yeah?" Eddie says, his voice shaky, not knowing what Richie would say next, 

"I think I love you," Richie says with a grin spread across his blotchy, tear-stained face. 

"I love you too, Richie. I've wanted to tell you that back for I don't know how long!" Eddie starts giggling. 

Richie laughs back. 

The boys hug again, Richie planting a small kiss on Eddie's forehead. 

This moment meant everything for the two boys, changing the future for their friendship forever.  

hope you enjoyed!

-k :)

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