[2] - The 'Defenders of the Universe'

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The cryo-pod opened with a hiss and you tumbled out of it. Your almost white hair was in tangles and had dry-matted blood on it, plus you were still in the skin tight prison garments.


You slowly sat up as you remembered that you were "swallowed" by a robotic lion and fainted afterwards. What luck.

Anyway, you stood up and observed your surroundings.

Around you were other pods like the one you came out of, but were in use. The pods were in a room and you soon spotted the doorway.

"Thank the Fates for not putting me in a door-less room," you said to no one in particular.

So, you walked out of the room and down the halls. They were mostly white with blue accents, which you enjoyed. Being a daughter of Poseidon, blue was a must.

You put your hands behind your head as you walked through the halls. With each step you took, the halls lit up.

"Man, if this is my new prison I'd be happy to stay here rather than a galra ship," you announced to yourself with a smile.

You soon came to a fork in the hall and you looked left and right before you shrugged and decided to go left.

You stopped suddenly as you felt a feeling to right instead.

You looked down the hall and it lit up once you placed a foot in the hall. At first you were hesitant. Why should  you go right instead of left?

Then, you heard a voice you haven't heard from in a while speak.

'Child, just go right.'  Your dad, Poseidon, said in your mind. He sounded like that person who wishes they had smarter friends when their friends did something incredibly stupid.

"Dad?" you asked.

'Yes it is I. I'm truly sorry I haven't helped you in your...predicament, but go to the right.'

"... Okay."

You went down the hall on the right. Obviously.

Okay so, as you were going down the hall a purring sound was heard in your head. Your eyes widened a bit as you heard the same thing before passing out.

"Hey, I know you," you said in a teasing tone and a small smile. Then, you heard four more purring sounds. "Friends of yours?"

The purring stopped as you entered a room that looked like a futuristic control room.

"This," you started as you looked at the room, "is the most fucking awesome thing I have ever seen in my life. And I seen a thing or two... or a hundred."

You went in and five chairs immediately rose up from the floor. One in the way front and two on each side of the control room.

"Now this is some futuristic space shit right here," you said as you sat in the chair way in front. It had black accents.

You looked back at the other four and noticed they each had a distinct color accent too. Red, blue, green and yellow.

You decided to get comfortable and leaned back in the chair.

"I could get used to this," you said as you closed your eyes.

Then you opened them as you felt yourself going down. And yep, the chair was lowering into he floor.

You cursed as you stood up, but it was already too far from the control room's floor.

The chair stopped and you saw a zip line.

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