Chapter 1 - (Y/N), the Yandere

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So this is the part you'll be getting introduced and your characteristics are based on mine so you are a badass yandere here!!


(y/n) P.O.V.
       LALALALALALALALLALALALA!! I am (y/n) every boddyyyy!! I thought as I was walking down the streets with a toast on my mouth. Then this freaking wind blew my hair and my hair got all over my face. Fvck this wind. I just tied my hair to a high ponytail and continued on walking. As I have reached the school, I noticed that there was a big bulletin board that has names on it. I think I should search my name on it. I searched, and searched, and searched until I finally saw my name. Oh praise Jesus it's been like 5 minutes!! At least I saw my name. I was placed at Year 7 - II. Well I'm off to my classroom then.... I just noticed that I was skipping not walking. Other students stared at me like they just saw a freaking psycho that just got out of the mental hospital!!

     YESSSSS!!! I have reached my room!! Wait, my room is on the third floor of the building!! My seat was at the very far back of the room beside the window. My teacher entered in our room as me and my classmates greated her.

"Ohayoguzāimas, sensei!!", we greated, warmly.

"Hai, ohayoguzāimas. I am your sensei, Himaro. Let us start introducing ourselves then!"

       Yesss!! I'm super excited!! Then I suddenly heard my name.

"(y/n), please stand up and introduce yourself to us please.", our sensei said.

I stood up and walked to the front of our class.

"Hi there!! I'm (y/n), (y/n) (l/n). I am (age) years old!!", I said joyfully. Well our introduction was finished and sensei let us do some activities. Finally!! It's now 10:29!! A little bit!! 3.....2.....1..... RRRIIIIINNNGGG!!!! Yes! Now time for recess!! I am now walking down the stairs and saw a girl that has long black hair with bangs and has very dark eyes. She wears a black zip-up jacket. She looks really pale. I want to talk to her!! I want her to be my friend!! I walked up to her and offered her my hand.

"Hi there!! I'm (y/n)!! Want to be my friend?", I said while she accepted and shakes my hand.

"I-Im Hanji. Nice to meet you!", she said smiling.

I asked her if she could go with me at the canteen. She agreed and went with me. She held out her phone while we were sitting at the corner of the cafeteria.

"Do you know who he is?", she asked me while showing her phone to me with a picture of a.... guy? Yes he's a guy!!

(That's the picture!! Eeekk so cute!!>~<)

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(That's the picture!! Eeekk so cute!!>~<)

"N-no.... But.... He's kinda cute.", I stammered as I felt slight heat crossing my face. Hanji giggled at my expression. Then suddenly I felt someone touching my shoulder.

"Hey psychopath.", said a high pitched voice as I turned around. Sh*t..... It's the b*tch from my previous school.... Trolling me again? Ha..good luck, Bella. I thought to myself as I glared at her, smiling.

"Ohh!! Bella-san!! Juuzou is at the park right now!!", said Bella's stupid friend, Mika.

"LEMME SEE, LEMME SEE!! Ohh he's still hot.", Bella responsed.

I rolled my eyes as Hanji whispered at my ear. 'But the boy I showed you was Juuzou!! The one they're talking about!'. I suddenly stood up after hearing this. I suddenly grabbed Bella by her neck and I lifted her inches from the ground. All of the other students were shocked of what I've done to her.

"Try to steal Juuzou-Senpai from me? Well try it, I swear you'll never see daylight ever again....", I say in a creepy way and smiled creepily too. I released her from my grip as she coughed a bit. Tch... Try and steal him.... And suddenly I giggled... And left the canteen.

Time skip to dismissal...

"Hey (y/n)-san!! Chat me later ok?", Hanji said.

"Ok I will!!", I responded.

So this Juuzou guy really is cute. Lemme stalk him... Hehehehe...


Okayy people!! So did you like my story? Actually I was thinking of making an Author-Chan's O.C. X Juuzou but I think you won't like it so I made this!! Part 2 may be published tomorrow or other days....please... Gomene if I can't update everyday... Please be patient and please like, comment, and share this story if you want more!! ARIGATO!! SAYONARA!!!

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