Chapter 6 - The News

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Since I was grounded for using my phone too long, I watched Netflix until now, and I just finished "Lemony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate Events" and I hate myself for loving Klaus Baudelaire... So yeah, I'll make a fanfic about that shit...


(Y/N) P.O.V.
   I still remember that scene, blood spitting out of every wound... I never knew I can do that for someone I love... I was about to go to school when the newspaper guy delivered the newspaper. My body froze when I read the headlines of it: High School Student Missing for days and can't be found. Oh, no. They must've been searching for her in days. I've read the newspaper and this is what I can read:
   The school states Mika Shiranzou to be dead, but the student's relatives are stating that she is still alive and must've just wondered around. Police officers searched each and every place and room inside the school premises but not a single clue was spotted.

   My body stopped freezing. I smiled again and I heard my phone ring. It was Juuzou. He's calling me. I answered tbe phone.

"Hey, (y/n)!!"
"Hi Juuzou!!"
"Have you read the newspaper?"
"Uhh yeah. Just finished reading it. Why?"
"Did you see my name being mentioned there? Because they said that Mika Shiranzou committed suicide because of me."
"Huh? Please wait for a sec."

   I did saw his name. They saw Mika's phone and saw Juuzou on some of her phone applications. Meh, I don't even care about Mika anyways. I picked up my phoe again.

"Yeah. I saw that. I find it kinda funny because she committed suicide because of you..."
"Yeah I know. Can you answer my question?"
"Yeah, go ahead."
"Am I even handsome for people to like me?", then Juuzou laughed after saying that.
"Hahaha... Yeah you are." Oh shit... I said it.
"Hahaha... Are you one of the people who thinks I'm handsome?", he laughed again. But this time, after he said that, I blushed.
"I-I uhh no. I j-just uhhmm think that you are handsome.", I stuttered.
"Hahaha... Thanks. See ya later!!"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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