Chapter 1

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Let's see how they are doing,shall we?

~Ryuji's pov~

'I just hate Wilderbeasts.'

"There's too many of them Captain!!" My teammate yelled.

Ah,I didn't introduce myself here.
My name is Ryuji Sakamoto.I lead a band of a ragtag group of pirates as their "Captain".

I sprinted toward the six-legged monster,pulling my sword out of its sheath as I slash one of its legs.
The beasts that surrounded us looked rather insect-like,resembling spiders.
Except these are twenty times their size and trying to devour us.

'I'm going to guess some asshole had nothing better to do than using animals as their own experimental toys.'

I jump backward, almost getting punctured alive by the damned leg.

"Captain!!We're surrounded!!"

We find ourselves trapped as the four spider beasts block any means of escape in all corners.
Like a cat preying on the mice.

"What should we do,Captain?"
"We're gonna die!We're gonna die!!"
"Is there a way out?!"

I hear my teammates clamoring.But even I don't know where else to go.

The beasts get closer and closer and we're all in a fighting stance,though we know that we won't win.
I take a deep breath and scream,
"Might as well fight to the end right,team?!?"

I turn to see them,they nod vigorously,but I can tell from their eyes...

They are scared.
Scared that their lives are forfeit.
I can tell...
I'm scared too...
I won't give up!
I won't go down without a fight!!
Even if it's costs me my life,so be it!!!
After all...I can trust them...


"A-Actually boss....I'm gonna run!!" One of them screamed out.


"Huh!?What do you mean?! I yelled back.

"W-We can't do this!!!" Another man added.

"Wait a moment!!Are you guys serious?!"

And then,one by one,they dropped their weapons and ran past the beasts,

"S-Sorry boss,but you are on you're own from here!!!"


They all scrammed away,leaving me alone with the damned beasts.
At that moment,I realized:

My team,the people I thought that had my back when I had theirs,left me for dead.

"....Fucking hell!!!"

I was pissed off,yes,laugh all you want.
But who WOULDN't if suddenly all your friends you trusted turn tail on you and leave you behind?!?! You'd surely been fucking angry if that happened!!!

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