♪Chapter Three♪

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Chapter Three: Got Lucky

여자친구 (Gfriend) on the multimedia.

Yuju's POV

I kicked his feet very hard with my foot. I heard him winced in pain. Huh! That suits you. I ran back into my sit and start answering the test. I look at him and he is glaring at me. He is massaging his leg. Ooops. I think I did it strongly. I chuckled at him. He balled his fist and showed it to me. He was like saying I will received that fist of him. I will gladly accept it with my own fist also.

I return my gaze in the testpaper. Gosh! What the heck is this testpaper talking about? I don't understand even a thing. I look at my classmates and they look so relax. How can they be so relax? Oh, I forgot, Jaebum gave me a different testpaper.

I wipe my forehead because there is some water dripping in it. Wait, am I sweating? Hahahahha. No way. This is just a piece of cake. Lucky for me because my hobby is reading and I think I read all the books in our public library and I mean literally I read all the books. Both Novels, Educational, History, and name it. I read all of it. But our public library is just small so the number of books are also small. But atleast, I've encountered this words in my testpaper and I could understand some of it. But others, forget about it. I just guess which is right when I found the words are fit in the questions. It's just a guess. I hope I will be fortunate this time. I've had enough of unfortunate things in my life. Speaking of my unfortunate, here he is, standing in front of the class and I can see in his face that he is in pain. I silently chuckled.

He doesn't know that I have a combat skills. I'm good at kick boxing, karate, taekwondo, and any other self-defense and offensive skills. I didn't really know I have those kind of skills but it is like it runs naturally to me. I do heavy works back in my home. I help my father in chopping the woods and fixing the broken things in the house. I also do household chores.

"BamBam, stop bothering your classmate!" Jaebum warned the boy named Bambam in front of me and he was slapping his seatmate in the shoulders.

"Yah! Stop it Bambam! I am answering can't you see?! Yugyeom-ah help me get rid of this guy" the boy that Bambam is bothering said and he is also trying to reach for the guy named Yugyeom.

Omooo, I can't concentrate, can they just please stop?

They didn't know the feeling of getting a low score. They didn't know the struggle of being pressured to get a high score because their family relies on them and their family is expecting high on them. So can they please, stop?

"What Jungkook?! Can't you also see that I am answering the test? And you BamBam, stop bothering him, and Jungkook, stop bothering me!" Yugyeom said and the two followed him, they continue answering and the room went back to normal again.

I sighed. This is really hard. Thanks they went to silent again. I hate you Jaebum! I HATE YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!

"Oh, good job Miss Hwang, you finish early in the test, you can go out now" Jaebum said to SinB when she passed her testpaper to Jaebum. I sighed. If he didn't gave a different testpaper, I wouldn't be sweating so hard right now. Why is it so hot today? I fan myself using my hands because it is hot. The girl on my right stared at me like she was saying what-the-hell-are-you-doing?

"In a weather like this plus the aircon is on, you're still not cold and look likes your in a desert? How hard is the test that you're sweating so hard? It's just easy." She said, she's pretty, and then she show me her eye smile. She's cute. But she has no idea what type of test I am answering. I know that her brain will explode if she knows it. I just smiled back at her and continued answering. Damn you Jaebum! I hate you.

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