Chapter 4- I Saw The Light

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I was grabbed roughly by the closest dark figure while the other two continue to aim their weapons, straight at my head, and for the first time in a while I'm silently praying that some how, someway I'll get out of this alive. I squint my eyes desperately trying to get a look at my captor, he's tall that's for sure, and strong just by his grip, but it's nighttime and the only light around is the dying fire, that gave away their hideout.

"Who are you?" It was such a calm question, yet just by this guys tone, he's nothing but.

"I'm Ha-Haley Phillips." I stutter. The big guy lowers his gun and looks back quickly over to the red headed panting woman.

"Mm, and what do you think you're doing'?" He questions, his gun still in a tight grip just warning me not to run.

"I saw the light." I almost slap myself at how stupid that sounded."The light from your fire? And the smoke too, you guys probably should've picked a better place I mean-" My rambling is cut off by the guy that's holding me shaking me. Guess that means shut up.

"Oh so you just follow lights huh? You're a raider?" A guy around my age steps up, he's more lanky than muscular unlike the other two, but at this point anyone with a gun is dangerous to me.

"What? No way!" I reply, trying to pull away but I'm quickly pulled back and stay in my place.

Raiders are the worst type of people now, they're like predators hunting on the weak or unlucky, killing them, either by cutting their throats or stealing their supplies, without food or water, and a weapon you aren't going to make it long. They don't care, there's even a group bow they call themselves 'the saviors'. Ironic I know. Fortunately Travis, Amber and I have only had one run in with them and we sneaked away.

"Look I saw the fire, I thought it could've been my brother." I explain now with sad thoughts that once again it's not my brother, but people who are just as paranoid as I am.

"Aghhh!" The woman screams in obvious pain, which distracts the big guy who was interrogating me, along with his two friends.

I quickly elbow my captor and take out my knife swiftly pointing it at him, he doesn't seem a bit afraid at my shaking hands and tiny stance. This guy is the definition of intimidation. I gulp as he steps forward, the lanky one and other bug guy are more concerned with the screaming woman as I hear them shushing her, my captor steps towards me, no weapon drawn, no sign of fear just a serious pale face that now I can see clearly due to the flames being closer. His jaw is chiseled, his hair dark, and his eyes are too. He's tall like I said, muscular yet I can tell he's gone days without meals, I probably would have blushed at his handsome face, if I wasn't so scared.

"Well go ahead, kill me." He steps closer, he's testing me. He even wears a smirk on his stupid handsome face.

"I-I" the knife is taken from my hand and I'm captured once again, but this time thin arms are around me, I give the lanky guy who now I see is Asian just by his features, a weak small smile.

Suddenly I hear growls, not like an animal but, a monster. I quickly try to get my knife only realizing it's no longer with me and there's no getting away. Why can't these people see I'm of no threat to them? I'm small compared to them. There's like five of them to my one, what are they so worried about?

"Shit, they must've heard Marley screamin'" The big guy is now back with his gun pointed at a nearby rotter, shooting it with ease. Thank god it's equipped with a silencer.

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