You have to be kidding me (harry potter next generation fan fiction)

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The same year as Rose Weasley and Albus Potter were born Sybill Trelawney issued a prophecy that stated;

On the day the planets align

Together in one line

A child shall be brought to being

The safety of all worlds she is guaranteeing

She shall not be brought from the womb

but from magic she shall bloom

All those with magic shall unite

For things from the past to be put right

gifts of all magic shall be in her veins

But the magic she must keep in tight reins

She is the key to our past ,present,and future.

On the night of the great eclipse, a huge explosion occurred on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The whole staff and student body ran out to see what had happened, laying in the middle of The Hogwarts grounds lay a crying new-born baby girl wrapped in a beautiful color changing blanket. The headmistress rushed forward and picked up the dainty baby girl.

"Prefects take the students back to their dorms. Teachers meet me in the Great Hall." Withinn the next hour beautiful baby Iris Athena McGonagall became a part of Hogwarts.

You have to be kidding me (harry potter next generation fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now