Getting ready to go home

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Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K Rowling, except my characters.

A/n; picture on top is of Iris

Iris's P.O.V:

I couldn't sleep at all, I was to excited. Tomorrow morning, well this morning, I would be going back home, back to Hogwarts for the first time in 2 months. I had spent the break with my closest and dearest friend Rose Weasley, or as like to call her Rosie Posie. We had been best friends since my Aunt Minerva introduced me to the Weasley and Potter families when we were both three. I was friends with all the Weasley and Potter kids, but I was closest to Rose, Albus, Lily, and Roxanne. I knew each was very very different than the other, but that's what I loved about them.

Rose was a Gryffindor prefect just like her parents, the brightest witch of our age, and very kind but at the same time very headstrong. Rose was a bookworm like her mum, and had almost been put in Ravenclaw. She was surprisingly tall for a girl, but nowhere as tall as her younger brother Hugo, and had a dark red, unruly, curly bush of hair.

Albus was a strong silent type (at least around people he wasn't close to) but extremely smart and cunning, which earned him a place in Slyhterin House. When you got to know him he could be very funny and a very good friend, once when we were younger, I had been teased about my color changing hair, and he had there with for more than an hour letting me cry on his shoulder. Ever since I knew I could trust Al with anything. He was almost an exact replica of Harry Potter, except the splash of freckles he had on his nose, and a different style of glasses than his dad. He like his dad was a Seeker, but for Slytherin team.

Lily was in Gryffindor was very much like her mum, she had the same firey red hair and personality and temper to match. She was very pretty and had had a variety of boyfriends. The only negative thing about Lily was her love for juicy gossip, she had a bad tendency to believe everything that Witch Weekly told her.

Roxanne oh how does one describe Roxanne. She was in Gryffindor with her brother Fred II. The funny thing about the siblings was that they were born exactly nine months apart. Roxanne had black hair with natural red highlights. She was a prankster like her brother and had her father's sense of humor and both of her parent's love of Quidditch, and a personality all her own. She was also chaser for the Gryffindor team. In the thirteen years I had known them, the Weasleys have became the crazy, wonderful family I had never had, and I adored them for that.

I used my telepathic powers to figure out what time it was. It was only 5:30 when I got out of bed grabbed a pair of clothes and quietly made my way to the door of Rose's bathroom, which was linked to her room. I set my clothes on the blue toilet seat. Rose's favorite color was blue and almost everything she owned was blue.

I stepped into the shower and turned the water on. I let the warm water run over my skin, it felt quite wonderful. I washed my long color-changing hair with my lavender shampoo and conditioner. In about five minutes I stepped out of the shower and magically dried my hair, put on my old worn jeans I have had since I was 14, a lose black t-shirt with the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes logo on it, and my favorite pair of black flats. Like Teddy I was a Metamorphmagus. I changed my hair to be long enough to reach the square of my back and wavy, I changed the color to be a dark violet color.

I quietly walked back into Rose's room. When I got there Rose was up trying to get all the things she hadn't packed last night together.

"Morning Rosie Posie." I said smiling at one of my best friends.

"Hey Iris, sleep well?" She asked, while folding a blue jumper and placing it in her open suitcase.

"No not really." I said helping my friend find her copy of "Hogwarts; a History".

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