The scarlet train

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A/n pictures of Rose and Scorpius
Rose's p.o.v
"OW!" We all exclaimed as my dad attempted to drive us all to Kings Cross Station in our muggle car, key word there was attempted. My dad had tried to get a license since I was in my First Year but he had failed it twelve times, and finally the instructor got tired of failing him, so she finally passed him last year. Which I think for the safety of everyone was a horrible idea, I loved my father dearly but he really was a horrid driver.

"Ron why don't you let me drive?" My mum asked gently , trying to save us from being killed by my father's horrible driving skills.

"Please dad, let her drive, PLEASE! I'm too young to die!" Hugo exclaimed. Grabbing ahold of my waist and holding on for dear life. Sure I was protective over of my baby brother, but not to an extent of where I let him turn me into a pancake. I tried pushing him off but he was to strong.

"Hugo let go. You're crushing me, can't breath." I exclaimed, Iris looked at me and Hugo with amusement, and burst out laughing. "Think this is funny, do you?" I squeaked out, trying to take a deep breath, since my annoying git of a baby brother thought it fit to squish me at the moment.

"Yes, very. But I'll help you get out of this." With a wink of her multi-colored eye, Hugo was back in a upright position and my dad was actually able to drive in a straight line. My best friend was absolutely bloody amazing. Even though she could be a pain In my bum sometimes, she really was an incredible person. With her telepathy, other gifts, and prophecy of being the protector of the worlds, she was often targeted by the press and other people but she still found a way to be kind and understanding to all creatures. She was also on good terms with almost everyone and everything at Hogwarts, except for a few prats who I really couldn't care less about.

My heart leapt, I could see Kings Cross Station. But my excitement was cut short when Isis yelped in pain and her eyes turned a pale opal color. Her whole body had gone limp, I grabbed her limp hand. She did this very often, she was using her power of premonition.

"What's the matter Izzy." I asked, calling her by the nickname I had given her when we were four years old. Even though she had done this since I could remember, it still scared me to death to see her body go completely limp. I waited, patiently waited, which was rare for me since I was known for my impatient nature. A few seconds later she gave a large heave and she sat up in her seat. I gave a deep sigh of relief.

"Are you okay?" My mum and Hugo asked almost simultaneously.

"Fine, just got a premonition, and from what I can tell we are going to have a very......" She stopped mid-sentence looking at me, her face a mix of confusion, fear and, concentration. " unusual year."

"What did you see?" I asked quickly losing patience with my violet haired friend.

"It was hazy, I saw too many things to sort into a single premonition. It was like several chopped up and all fuzzy ." I gave her strange look, almost 99.9% of the time her premonitions were absolutely clear and accurate.

"That's- OI!" I yelled. The car had come to an abrupt stop and I had hit my head against the back of my Mum's seat. We had arrived at the station, my dad got out of the car cheerily and went to the trunk of the car and started to pull out our luggage while the rest of us sat hazed and in very strange positions for having seat belts on. My mum got back into into a proper sitting position, and put her beautiful brown hair back into a neat bun. Oh how often I wished I had my Mother's nice light brown hair, but instead I got my fathers awful red hair that always drew attention to me. It looked beautiful on all my other cousins but it just looked absolutely horrid on me.

"Come on kids, or you'll miss the train." My Mum said opening her door and getting out to help my dad, I rubbed my sore head.

"Next time we apparate." I said irritation in my voice. I can't wait until we get to learn to apparate and disapparate. I would finally get to escape the horror that is driving a muggle vehicle.

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