Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I scream, scream and scream until I feel if I scream more, then a disgustingly amount of my throat will fly out of my mouth.

Wow I chuckle hoarsely through my pain, and think of how gruesome that sounded.

I'm in an alley and now the rational part of my brain is freaking out.

Okay so no, I'm in an alley in broad day light because of two things I have a lazy mother and two I inherited that trait.

My lovely mother gave me the shopping list of two weeks worth of food and all of that is in the local super market stroller.

It's not stealing and I'm technically just giving out free advertisement to the town.

I should get paid for all the loyal costumers I've given them.

Ungrateful bastards.

Since I live three blocks away from the store I came walking as my mother put it for 'fresh air'.

Like seriously stuff it women.

Anyway I was screaming because I was listening to Give You Hell on my mini iPod with worn out but still perfectly good headphones that were so deep in my ear that at times the sound doesn't even reach me.

Then they were suddenly yanked out of my ears and that explains the two red splotches on each of my ears.

Which of course resulted in me covering them and screaming until my throat gave out.

It amazes me that I can still laugh with all this drama, which instantly brings me to the one place I despise the most; reality.

In the place of reality I find a dark tall figure off in the little corner of the alley about two feet away from me.

The next thing he, she, IT said shocked me to the core.


Sorry it's short next chapter will be wayyyyyyy longer.




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