two » rima

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"Go Ari. You need to leave." My father's voice was so quiet and hoarse I could hardly hear him over the screaming around us.

"No," I said, shaking my head. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, hot against my skin. "We can get you out. Harry said..." I trailed off. Harry hadn't come back. But he promised. How could he leave me?

My father stretched out his shaking hand, and brushed away my tears.

"It is too late for me," he said with a faint smile. "You must go," he pleaded.

"But the firefighters..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence before the ceiling collapsed on us.

White, hot pain. Screams of suffering around me.

I shudder, willing those horid thoughts away. But I will never forget that day.

"Arima Waters?" The slender, elegant women clicks her way into the room with her dangerously tall high heels and curtly calls out my name. The fakest, most business-like smile is plastered on her face.

She holds the door open, gesturing me to enter.

I shoot her a just-as-fake smile and lift myself off the uncomfortable, plastic chair. Well, the chair would be more comfortable than where I'm going now.

I told myself I wouldn't be nervous, but I can feel my palms start to sweat and my breathing begin to quicken as we near the "interview rooms."

I try to stay positive. Just some damn interview that will determine my job, my future. No big deal.

I focus on the rhthym of the women's footsteps as she walks ahead of me down the clean hallway.

"Second door, on your left," the women says. And with that, she leaves me with only the faint click clock of her steps retreating down the hallway.

I take a deep breath as I near the door.

You can do this, I tell myself. If you get this job, you're one step closer to the career Dad always wanted for you.

When I open the door, I'm greeted by smiling face, seated behind a wooden desk.

"Hello," the girl-she looks young, maybe only a few years older than me-says brightly. "I'm Kelsey. And you are.." She looks down at a sheet of paper she's holding. "..Arima Waters?"

"Call me Rima," I insist.

"What a strange name," the girl says in wonder.

"A strange name for a strange girl," I respond, causing a puzzled look to flicker onto the girl's face. I immediately want to slap myself. Could I sound anymore stupid?

The girl gestures for me to sit in the chair right in front of her desk. This chair is cushioned, much more comfortable.

"Alright, lets start," Kelsey says, shuffling the stack of papers lying on top of her desk. "Your records say you are 19, correct?"

"Yeah-" I clear my throat. "Yes," I say more formally. I decide against calling her "ma'am."

"You are also currently attending a college?" she asks.

"Yes," I say. "Berkeley College."

My response causes her to smile-probably because she is pleased with my answer. Berkeley is a good school.

"And what are you studying?"

"Marketing communications and international business," I respond.

The answer comes naturally; I've rehearsed this all out in my head. This might sound obsessive, but it's true. I need this job, for me or for my father I'm not exactly sure.

Kelsey raises her eyebrows at my response, either impressed or surprised.

"Good, good," she says, nodding her head firmly. "Do you have any former experience with the fashion industry?"

"No," I say a little sheepishly. My only "experience with fashion" was when I sewed little pillows when I was younger.

"Your records also say you were school valedictorian and earned a 4.0 gpa?"


Kelsey looks through a few more papers and says: "Well, it's settled,"

"What's settled?"

"You got the job."

I nearly fall off my chair. "But-"

"I know what kind of person Mr. Yang is looking for, and you perfectly fit his criteria, Rima!" she says confidently.

"Now, time for a little tour around the building!" she says cheerfully, standing up from her chair and gesturing me out the door. "I will take you to your office..."

I can't believe I got the job so quickly.

Kelsey leads me through the clean white hallway towards a huge balcony overlooking a bustling office area.

"Welcome to FAME, Fashion And Merchandise Exchange Corporations," she says. She leads me down a marble stairway.

This feels like a dream.

"Here is your office," Kelsey says.

It's a bit on the small side, but I could care less. At least it has the essentials-a desk, chair, and my very own computer.

"Also, meet Jason Connoway. He'll help settle you in and assist you with anything else you may need." Kelsey gestures towards a handsome, young man with dark hair.

"Hello," he says, reaching out his hand for me to shake.

"Hi," I smile. "I'm Rima."

"Pleasure to meet ya," he responds with a crooked, boyish grin. "How long have you lived in New York?"

I hesitate. "All my life," I lie.

He chuckles. "So have I."

His confidence, his half-smirk, all remind me of Harry.

But I push this thought away. I've been training myself not to think about him. Burying the past: this is the key to my new life. I can't let the whispers of my old life get in the way.

"Are you ready for your new job Miss Waters?" Kelsey says, turning towards me. She's smiling brightly at me.

"More than I'll ever be," I say.


If anyone was wondering, I picture Rima as Saoirse Ronan.

A pic is attached x

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