four » rima

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They didn't find me until a few days later. They were searching for dead bodies, and they were surprised to come across a survivor.

"A living miracle."


"Too bad she's an orphan now."

I always hated that word: orphan. It labeled me as different, strange, and secluded.

I was in the hospital for a week, recovering from minor burns. But I miraculously escaped with hardly any scars.

I was sent back to New York, where I lived with my grandmother and my cousin, Grace.

As far as I knew, Harry never came looking for me. I wondered if he thought I was dead. I became bitter with each passing day, anger building inside of me.

Suddenly, I didn't care if Harry thought I was dead. He left me. He probably didn't care about me anymore.

He was the reason my father died.

'You hate him now,' I tried to convince myself. But I couldn't deny the little part of me that still loved him, still longed for him.

I only focused on schoolwork, and I earned good enough grades to please my strict grandmother. I was very antisocial; I made very little friends.

My old friends visited me once, when I was back in New York, but they constantly shot me pitied looks, like I was broken. They never acted normal towards me, so I avoided them.

I didn't want the pity. I was fine. I rebuilt my life, tried my hardest to forget him, and now here I am.

I'm fine.


"How are you single?" Tasha giggles. "You're gorgeous."

"I agree!" Courtney squeals. "Your blue eyes are absolutely stunning."

I try smiling in an attempt to cover up how uncomfortable I am.

"Thanks," I say awkwardly.

I'm not used to this, just hanging out with other girls. I shut myself off from other people ever since that day.

I have no idea how I even ended up here, the old me would've immediately refused Tasha and Courtney's offer to go out for lunch.

But they were so convincing and besides, I was planning to go out for lunch anyways since I forgot my packed lunch back at our condo. The cafe we're eating at is actually pretty cute, and not very crowded.

" are you enjoying FAME so far?" Courtney asks me. At least, I think it's Courtney. Tasha and Courtney are twin sisters, so it's hard to tell them apart.

I take a moment to finish chewing my sandwhich.

"It's good," I say. "I was a little nervous since it's my first job and all..but I'm starting to get more comfortable."

Courtney nods-definetly Courtney, she's tanner than Tasha. "I was nervous when I first started too," she says.

Tasha-she has more freckles-looks at me.

" why are you single?" she asks. She must be really interested in dating, because we've somehow circled back to the fact that I'm single.

"I'm just really busy, that's all..." I say.

"But you need to get out there! Have fun!" Tasha squeals.

"I'm not interested in dating right now anyways," I say firmly.

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