Into The (Player) Unknown

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"So what's next then in your sick twisted idea of a game?" Mark scowled bitterly.

"The rules are simple, just be the only team to survive and you can only use your avatar powers to win. I think you'll have fun since this isn't an unknown game for you." Angelica giggled before falling silent as their environment formed round them.

They were all on a plane, the wind roaring outside which made the plane jostle around in the turbulence. Each person could see a map in the plane that had several copies so each person could have one with them.

"Are we...." Ken trailed off in awe.

"Yep...this is PUBG." Kevin realized.

"None of this makes sense though!" Mariah chimed in.

"I'll try and explain it to everyone later, but right now we gotta find a drop point. My guys, jump now where I put the marker." Matt instructed, doing his best to hide the fear barely evident in his tone.

The Hi-Five crew abruptly hopped out of the plane with parachutes strapped to their backs, hurtling towards their destination that was unknown to the others.

"What does she mean 'use our avatar powers'?" Ethan interjected.

"Each of us has an ability remember?" Mark reminded him, gesturing to his wings curled around his arms to save space in the cramped plane.

"Oh yeah, this should be interesting." Tyler nodded.

"Alright everyone, let's go here." Felix directed, ponying to a spot on the map.

The group nodded, snatching copies of the map before jumping out of the plane.

Jack screamed as he fell, his eyes squeezed shut in fear while Felix stayed by his side to comfort him since he knew Jack was afraid of heights.

"Guys my parachute isn't working!" Dan panicked, desperately yanking on the string that was supposed to release the parachute until it accidentally snapped off into his hands.

"I got ya." Mark grunted as he grabbed Dan under the arms and extended his wings out as far as he could, gliding over the ground before landing gently on the ground near everyone else.

Jack was shaking violently like a leaf as Phil helped him remove the parachute, his eyes wide in fear and exhilaration.

"Alright, So since we can only use our powers, let's recap what we got." Tyler suggested helpfully.

"I have the ability to turn into a shadow and control darkness." Dan chimed in.

"I turn into a lion." Phil added.

"For some reason I have this teddy bear, but I don't know why." Ken frowned as he dropped it on the ground.

Instantly the teddy bear morphed into a full size grizzly bear, roaring while it bared its razor sharp teeth.

"Hell yeah!" Ken exclaimed as he hopped on its back, a broad grin on his face as he patted the bear's head.

"I'm not sure what I do." Felix admitted as he formed one hand into a fist, watching it instantly begin to glue light blue.

He experimentally punched the ground, causing his fist to leave a giant crater in the ground without injuring his hand.

"Awesome!" Felix cheered in amazement.

"I think I know what mine is." Jack informed the group as he closed his eyes in concentration.

Abruptly his alter egos appeared beside him, as well as Sam. His right eye was glowing a vibrant green, his other eye normal.

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