First encounter...

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The bell rang signaling the end of our class, I stuffed my things inside my bag and started running towards my locker as fast as possible. I threw my things inside, slammed the door shut and rested my head against it. ‘This is not happening. This is all a bad dream and I will soon enough wake up and see that everything is just fine.’ thought to myself.

“Abbs you okay?” I heard a familiar voice so I turned to face Nate staring at me with pure love and concern reflecting in his eyes.

“I am good Nate. Just need some time alone.”

“Okay okay I am going. But you better eat something you are pale as dead.” He smiled sadly and walked away. I punched my black metal locker, started whimpering, another sobbing escaped my mouth and I had to punched the d*mn thing again for a few times just to get rid of some of my nerves.

“What the f*ck is happening!” tears kept escaping my eyes. I mentally thanked for it to be lunch time which meant the hallways would definitely be empty.

‘I am coming Abigail…’ an unknown voice whispered inside my mind and just before I started freaking out I saw Andrew walking towards me. The moment he saw the tears running down my cheeks his face turned emotionless and a spark of rage darkened his grey-green eyes.

“Baby girl calm down, I am here now I am here to catch you when you fall. Please calm down. I can’t stand the sight of those beautiful eyes crying.” He hugged me tight massaging the back of my neck making me relax in his arms, but as I thought my tears were over a new wave battled my defenses and won. A whole new army of sobbing crushed my eyes right into Andrew t-shirt making it stain with mascara.

“Babe calm down!” he held me a bit tighter making it kind of difficult for me to breath. I couldn’t resist the urge to look into his eyes. When our gazes met I saw something in him breaking. His emotionless façade broke and inside his eyes I could see that he still cared about me. His words were true, weren’t just to make me feel good. He meant what he said. Or that’s what I thought at that time. I held him close to my body not letting go due to the fact that I loved the head his well built body radiated.

“Why did you speak inside my head since you had just reached me?”

“Abby baby girl what are you talking about? I didn’t speak inside your brain. I didn’t even know you were here till I saw you breaking down.” He said and wiped the tears staining my cheeks.

“What?” I fought back another wave of crying and sobbing.

“I don’t know baby girl.” He held me closer, kissed my forehead and stepped back. This handsome guy grabbed my hand with his and entangled his fingers with mine. “Now let’s go.” He smiled his sexy little smile.

“Where?” I grabbed a tissue from my bag and wiped the mascara that had run down.

“You are pale white. You have to eat something.”

“I don’t want to.”

“You really don’t want me to make you!”

“Okay okay let’s go!”I giggled.

“That’s my girl!” he winked.

“Welcome back!” I smiled broadly.


“My old crazy, sweet Andy!”

“Don’t call me like that!” he laughed with his chest vibrating with every breath he took.


“It’s girly.”

“You’re girly.”

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