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~Trying not to love you only goes so far…And trying not to need you is tearing me apart…Can’t see the silver lining from down here on the floor and I just keep on trying but I don’t know what for…cause trying not to love you…only makes me love you more!~

~Nickelback “Trying not to love you”



Facing the man that held Amy in his arm I had the sudden urge to use my dark power but…he wasn’t planning on letting me go easily. He wasn’t planning on letting me kill him easy either. A few feet away, Andrew stood going through his own battle and I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of being able to kill one of Amy’s little dogs.

Taking one step forward, covering the distance between us I noticed a lot of vampires and wolves standing behind the man. I counted almost fifty or sixty before I had the chance to call for backup.

‘Guys…I need some help over here!’ my voice shuddered as I stated the facts. Two seconds later Jay, Lucia and Rocket stood by my side and noticing the evil grin on Rocket’s face I couldn’t help but be hopeful and filled with joy.

We could do this if we were together.

I knew I didn’t deserve my powers, I was relying too much on them forgetting who I was but this time, this time I needed them. And there was no way I wouldn’t use them.

Mentally thanking Sebastian for giving me this unknown liquid that brought back my powers, I shot myself in the battle as soon as two vampires attacked. One came from my behind as the other made contact with the front. I brought my leg right into his chest bumping him on the floor and without thinking, bringing my leg backwards my foot connected with the other vampire’s face kicking him a few feet away.

Being down on the floor, grabbed a single stiletto knife and stabbed my front vampire right between the eyes.

That would keep him busy for a little while. As the vampire behind me tried to catch me I copied Rocket speed power and brought myself right behind him catching the leech off guard.

“Never let your guard down.” Chanted, as with both hands I grabbed his ears and span the head in one direction hearing the creepy ‘crack’ of bones. Suddenly the vampire turned heavy and with a blink of an eye he was already on fire. The moment my feet dragged me closer to the other vampire who was by the time I reached him pulling the knife out of his head, three more attacked bringing a furious anger in my heart.

Mentally tracking the strongest of the three I run towards her as she approached, jumped in the air and wrapped my legs around her neck burring her head on my stomach. Before she even had the chance to reveal her fangs and sink them in me, one of my “Holly Cr*p landed on the top of her head immediately paralyzing her.

Leaning backwards my palms reached the floor and with one sudden move I brought my feet on the grand sending the vampire flying and I heard a bumping sound. After all I knew how to aim. The vamp behind me was now under a paralyzed one and without losing any time those two almost dead bodies were now burning to the ground.

With my right hand I grabbed my left gun and with my left one I grabbed the right and lunched myself forward to those two other who were staring at me dumb-founded. Running right at them my guns pointed right between their eyes as my fingers pulled the trigger. Two bullets, dropped on the floor and they were already trying to get up.

‘How many times do I have to tell you that they don’t die with guns?’ Andrew chanted in my head.

‘Stop stalking me lover boy and get back to your own fight.’

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