🍀🌿Chapter Twenty🍀🌿

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We were all sitting down watching the purge anarchy and me and Caleb kept making jokes and laughing.

"Vro don't that chick right there look like Carrie" Caleb said pointing at the screen.

"Ohhh she do with all that blood on her I like her hair tho" I said looking at the two puff balls she had.

"Ayee Bri you should do my hair like that" I said looking back at her and jahi.

"Bet you for real?" she asked.

"Yea just me wash my hair and stuff" I said.

"Okay bet"

"Asia look" Caleb said tapping me.

"Yea" i turned around and looked at the screen.

"Ohhh I wanna be here for Halloween" riah said pointing to the statue of liberty girl on the screen.

"Halloween?? You already look like her " Caleb said.

"Ayee don't come for me" riah said laughing.

"Backup off bestfriend now" Bri said laughing.

"Nah y'all hop off caleb" I said laughing. We all kept making jokes and laughing.

"Asia can I talk to you" Myles said killing my whole vibe. I was trying to forget he was in the room.

"I guess so" I said standing up.

"Well be right back" I said following behinde Myles to the door.

"This aint over when you get back We flaming you for wearing that  hello kitty had when We was jhits" jahi said laughing.

I flicked him off and laughed they started talking about me and laughing but i had to go talk to myles.

We walked out side and the cold night air immediately hit me.

I sat down on the steps next to Myles.

"Why you being so distant??" He asked looking at me.

"And don't say i don't know or shrug your shoulders I need a real answer" he said

"I heard what you said earlier when you were talking to jahi" he looked down at his shoes.

"What do you mean??"

"You don't trust me" I said rolling my eyes.

"I didn't mean it like that" he said lowly.

"Well then how exactly did you mean it because there is only one way to say I don't trust you" I said getting an attitude.

"That's not what I was trying to say" he said getting defensive.

"Again you said that you think I would go back to Jamal meaning that you don't trust me" I said standing up I crossed my arms over my chest.

"How are you not going to let me explain"

"Because there's nothing to explain if you think that I would cheat on you I might as well do it because you making me seem like a cheater"

"Just shut up and listen to me" Myles said standing up.

"Honestly i am done talking to you" i said rolling my eyes and getting ready to head back inside.

"Baby come on" he said grabbing my arm.

I was about to say something but he crashed his lips into mine. I didn't kiss back though I was not in the mood for any of this.

He pulled back once he figured out I wasn't going to kiss back.

"Myles I think we need a break" I said looking him in his eyes.

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