3 - The Friend

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The Friend

Valerie Cruz

Two years of service is enough to know him.

I know all the things that he had been through; I know his strength, his weakness, his unexplainable attitude, his suffering and the way he told things. I can surely tell if he’s telling the truth or not. I know every bit of him but the feelings are not mutual, he doesn’t have any idea of who I am. I mean he didn’t know me the way I know him because we don’t really talk. He always wants to be alone.

We aren’t friends.

But I really like to be his companion right now. I want to help him not because I pity him, not also because I thought it’s kind of default to offer a hand to my patient, I just want to help him because I want him to be free.

Actually I’m packing all his things now including my stuffs, of course because I decided to come up to a very outrageous mission. As I finished in packing I leave the room holding our luggage and walk towards him.

“Hey, we’re going home” I said.

He looks at me and as I expected he was shock “What the hell?”

I smile before I speak “We are going to find that girl, you need to face her. It is bound to happen”

“You don’t have the right to interfere in my private life. Okay!” he yelled.

“Ye-yeah I know, but don’t you think it’s the time” I gently touch his arm “The most painful and worst possible type of goodbye is the one that are never said and never even explained. Caleb, she needs answers, she needs clarifications, and you also need to settle this. You need to face her.  You know what, I will share this to you” he turn his head and look outside but I will continue “What and If are words that have different meaning but.. Caleb when you combine this together it would be mean so much to you”

“What if?” he said hesitantly.

“Just hold on to ‘What if’” I said then I smile to reassure him.

After that conversation I finally convince him to go back to Philippines, where in that girl ‘Hannah’ lives. What if that girl is still waiting for Caleb to return? What if she still love him the way Caleb loves her. I hope it will end up to a spontaneous love story.

We take a cab to go to airport because I can’t drive my car, it’s under maintenance. We ate our lunch in a restaurant before the flight, and as usual we don’t say any word to each other. He remain silent and I choose to do the same.

When we both heard the announcement of our flight we both stand and start walking. He wants to sit next to the window so I let him sit first. I just watch movie in the whole travel until we get here in our hometown.

We stayed at his place because I don’t have any relatives here and he’s the one who suggest it. I lay down in my bed, I close my eyes forcing myself to sleep.. .but I can’t. I feel uncomfortable. I kept telling to myself that I’m not going to see him, my ex-fiancee. I sigh deeply because I really don’t know what to do and besides I don’t have friends to talk to.

“You okay?” he entered my room, maybe to check me.

“I don’t know” I answered.


He sat down next to me and for the first time in forever we had a little chit chat. I told him my story. I loved a man who is very sweet and generous, and he loved me too. We really deserve each other. We never fail to surprise each other every day until we decided to get married. But then it didn’t happen, I was an ordinary girl, ordinary nurse, nothing special.. just ordinary. His both parents disagree because I’m not like them; they are born with gold spoon on their mouths, a well-off family. They don’t like me for their son so they take him away from me. And when he talked to me, I said ‘I don’t love you anymore’ even though I know to myself that it’s not true, I just said those words to finish the battle. I gave up. Maybe we really don’t belong to each other.

“Move on pathetic girl” I said to myself.

I bite my lips so hard, I don’t want him to see me crying. But I can’t hold them anymore, the tears are streaming down my face. Then he hug me and rub my back “Move-on is useless if you really love that person. Just let your heart feel the pain, until you realize it’s over” he said.

The next morning we start to search that Hannah girl in all On-line networking sites but we always end up in “No result found”. We decided to contact his entire friend to ask if they know what happened to Hannah but they always said “I thought you and Hannah are still together, what happened?” when we heard that line I always said this to him: “Hung up the phone, don’t bother to explain”.

The next day, we visit to Hannah’s residence and we are both disappointed to see a “For Sale” signage. He feels like giving up. I just said an encouraging line to him “the moment you’re ready to quit is usually the moment right before miracle happens. Don’t give up”


(A/N: I'M HOPING FOR YOUR SUPPORT DEAR READERS. More reads, vote and comments Guys. it will serves as my motivation to continue this story. God Bless and Iloveyou all <3


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