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  "What the heck is this?" I am pointing at the big gab under the public toilet at the airport. Through this gigantic whole between the bottom and the door I have a view at one pair unshaven legs.

 Have they ever heard about privacy or why am I able to watch a woman how she is sitting on the toilet? I mean 5 inches less and I would be able to see a very intimate part of her which she definitely doesn't want to show me.

That was my very first impression of the United States of America. A toilet without privacy and no toilet paper.

Great. I am here for 10 minutes and have the feeling that I made a terrible mistake.

Is this the way I want to live for the next ten months? I don't know the answer but actually it does not matter because I can't change my decision anymore. My parents worked so hard to be able to pay for this experience that I will never ever break off this exchange year.

I would feel like the most ungrateful person in the world and I would have the feeling to disappoint all my friends and my family.

Me, Melian Kirschbaum, said goodbye to my mom, my dad ,and even my grandma and grandpa 26 hours ago. It was a tough farewell for me, especially from my older grandparents. Because, you can never know what is going to happen at the time when you are not at home.

And now I am here. Over 8000 kilometers distant from my familiar area and city, from the people I love.
"Are you coming?" asks Katja, another exchange student who had looked critical at the toilet door with me.

"Oh yes of course." I answer, take my backpack and follow her. It is a weird feeling when I am walking through this hallway, all the other people, the unknown faces, and all these complicated signs in English. My hands shake when I think about the fact that I will see my host family in a few minutes.

Actually, I don't really know them. I got all the information I have from a few e-mails between my host mom and me. I know that I have an older sister who is 17 years old and two dogs. I know that my mom works as a teacher and that my sister is allergic to all kind of nuts. That's all I know about the people I will live with for the next 10 months.

I take another deep breath and keep walking.

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