You cuddle up on the couch near the warmth of your fire place. It's a cold night, but you and your friend want to hang out anyway so you tip toe up to your room while your mom is on her laptop in her room. You slowly open your window. Why didn't you use the door you ask? Because it would attract attention from your parents. Since you have a porch with a tilted roof on it below your window it's quite easy to get down, so you slowly hop out of the window and creep down the tilted roof. You hop onto your porch and sneak down the steps. You look back at your safe, warm house and then look at the cold, dark, misty road and you stare... you stare for a while. You have second thoughts about leaving the house... YOUR house. You walk into the road and start to walk quietly down it. "Errr... Don't be scared, His house isn't that far away.. Nothing can happen to me." You'd say as you inhaled the cold air, quickly sending a shiver down your spine. You have left your only safety, now you can not turn back.
One night
HorrorJust picture it, you sneak out of your home to hang with a friend in the middle of the night, But you find yourself in a dark, shadowy forest. You think you still have a chance, but you don't. No one does. -Warning: Eh just some foul language-