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"Fuck you-you fucking cunt! I'm going to rip you to shreds if I ever see you again! God, you are such a fuck up, you dumbass! You and Emma better get the fuck out of my house because I am done with your shit!" Forest barked into the phone and goosebumps littered Scarlett's skin as she heard his tone. She was sat at the breakfast table eating a bowl of cereal slowly and cautiously because Forest came out of nowhere and was pacing in the kitchen. She wanted to run back up to her room but his pacing was blocking her escape so she was forced to sit there and hear his horrible words. He cursed like a sailor.

She's been here for a week and she's noticed that Forest has the worst temper known to man, along with a colorful vocabulary. The little things ticked him off and he explodes out of nowhere. She usually hightails it out of his way when he's like that.

Goose laughed at Forest's reaction and it made Forest grip the phone tight in his hand," Calm down Boner, I'll take care of it, Well, Bunny will take care of it because she has the tits," He said and Forest sighed. Goose was such a dumb ass he didn't know to be terrified of him,Forest almost killed him three times because he can't keep his mouth shut. He's never serious and the only reason Forest keeps him alive is that he's such a good shot. The best hitman in the area.

Forest was sick of him and he chucked the phone against the wall and watched it shatter into pieces. "Fucking no good son of a bitch-" He ranted as he turned around and he saw Scarlett standing in the doorway with her dirty dish in her hand. Her eyes were wide and she looked terrified. He immediately felt worse about himself because he can't keep himself under control enough to make her feel comfortable around him.

He ran a hand through his hair," Sorry," He mumbled. There he goes with apologizing again. She didn't say anything as she kept her head down and quickly put her bowl in the sink. She turned around and hastily walked out of the kitchen.

He huffed, she couldn't even be in the same room as him.

She hurried up the stairs and rushed to her room and shut the door behind her and pressed her back to it. She remembered the times Shawn would press her against the wall in a passion filled state and would kiss her like it was the last time. The thought of Shawn made tears form in her eyes and she sunk down to the floor and held her knees to her chest. Was he even looking for her? She'd been gone for almost three weeks now and her hope was hanging on by a thread. She'd cried so much at night that she wasn't getting much sleep and it was starting to put a toll on her.

She began to break down and she didn't worry about how loud she was being. Her exhaustion made her hysterical and she wailed like a child.

Forest sucked in a breath as he heard her as he walked past her door. He walked up to her door and leaned in so he could hear better and the sound of the beautiful girl sobbing made him feel a foreign way.

He raised his hand and was about to knock, but he clinched his fist and set it back down at his side. What would he do when she answered? Would he say, "Hey Scarlett, let me comfort you, the guy who kidnaped you and probably the reason you're crying," Forest shook his head and cursed himself and kept walking down the hall.

His footsteps went unknown to Scarlett because her sobs were becoming so loud that she couldn't stop them. In a hysterical state she fumbled around the room and knocked things over and screamed.

She stumbled over the carnage as she walked over to the balcony that was three stories up and she looked out at the forest in front of her through blurry tears.

She gripped the railing and contemplated jumping. It would end this all, she would be free. She shook her head and let go of the railing a took a step back. She was better than that. She was a fighter.

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