Chapter 3: Company

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Chapter 3: Choices

After saying their goodbyes, Kai, Cole, Misako, and Wu split up in different directions. Kai traveled to his home village, Cole set out for the Spinjago mountains, Misako fled to Domu Library, and Wu went to Stiix.

As Kai flew on his elemental dragon, he sighed as he worried about his teammates, especially his sister Nya, and how they fared in the clutches of the Overlord.

Cole was having similar thoughts. He wanted so badly to go back to Ninjago City and free his friends. He sat back on his dragon, staring into the sky that was filled with white clouds. "Stay safe guys," he whispered. "You'd better come home in one piece."

It was day 3 of Lloyd's imprisonment in the chamber. He had never seen the outside world in this time, and was only allowed to leave the room to go to the restroom, accumponied by 5 guards. The vengestone chains has started digging into his skin, which really hurt. Lloyd was currently on the table, gritting his teeth as he fiddled at the chains with his fingers.

One of the guards growled at him, its voice sharp and fearsome. Lloyd let go of the chains, and they fell to the ground with a big clang. He lay back on the table, worrying if his friends, mother, and uncle had been found yet. And what of Jay and Nya? They had been captured, probably locked up somewhere like he was.

Being chained up like this was pure torture. He needed to do something, anything. He also found himself quite hungry as the last he ate was a bowl of expired food the night before. Lloyd looked around the room, at the chains, and at the guards. He let out a growl of frustration, struggling against the chains.

The guards immediately held him down, then tightened the chains around his legs and arms. Lloyd breathed heavily, his pants echoing in the dark room.

Suddenly, the door opened and in walked the Overlord, his dark cape flowing behind him. He snarled, "Good morning, Green Ninja," his voice seemed unforgiving and filled with mailce. "Sleep well?"

"Not a chance," Lloyd muttered spitefully, trying to look at anything but the Overlord.

"I assumed you were hungry," the dark menace continued, gesturing to a bowl that he had handed to a guard. The guard handed the bowl to the Green Ninja as the Overlord continued. "And I have brought someone here to keep you company." He turned to the door, where two guards walked in, dragging a person across the floor and into the room. This person seemed to be female, and had long brown hair. Lloyd's eyes widened as he looked at her face and into her deep blue eyes.


"L-Lloyd," she uttered weakly, raising a shaking hand towards him.

"What did you do to her?" Lloyd demanded loudly. "What did you do?"

The Overlord chuckled maliciously. "We found her sneaking around the city, looking for you. I assume this is your friend from the Industrial District?"

Lloyd looked down at the scared girl on the floor, not making a sound. It pained him to see his best friend so weak and hurt.

The Overlord continued, "We questioned her, and when she didn't give us the answers I wanted...well I guess you can see for yourself what happened." He chucked again, laughing at the pain of both the girl and the ninja.

Lloyd's heart sank. They had tortured her. Possibly for hours.

"She will stay here with you. Guards, chain her to the other table." Overlord commanded, the guards following his instructions. They chained Lyn to the table next to Lloyd, and the tow teens looked at eachother sadly.

Overlord laughed once more, then left the room.

Claire coughed sharply, for the room was filled with dust. Lloyd took a look at her. Her hair was a mess, and her skin was covered in cuts and bruises. She looked pale and tired, and her once happy and joyful eyes only showed sadness and pain.

Claire smiled weakly at him. "I'm sorry..."

"For what? This isn't your fault, Claire...its mine."

She looked at him worriedly as he continued.

"Its my fault you're stuck in here with me, that you were tortured," Pain coated his voice as he said that word. "I could have done better, I could have defeated him. I could have stopped this before it started. But I didn't. I failed myself, I failed Ninjago and..." He felt tears threaten to fall. "And I failed you."

She looked at him sadly, sliding her hand into his. "No. You didn't fail me. You tried your best, I know you did. You always do. And you always win some way or another. Its like you said to your team once, 'We didn't lose the battle. Today, we just lost the fight.' You still have a chance, this battle isn't over."

"This isn't a battle anymore, Claire," Lloyd said, staring at the ground. "He just made this a war. And if I lose, everything is lost. He'll rule Ninjago and everyone will bow to him or die. And what do I have? My team is torn apart, some captured and some in hiding. I have no weapons, no vehicles, and no plan. I have nothing."

"At least we have each other," Claire said kindly, brushing his hand with hers. Usually she would be embarrassed by this, but Lloyd needed her just as much as she needed him.

Lloyd smiled at her statement. "You know what, you're right. We have each other. But Claire, I'm not dragging you into this war. You've been harmed enough. I would never forgive myself if you got hurt or died in my care."

She sighed. "I'm not asking you to drag me in. I'm going to help you no matter what, Lloyd. No matter what." Her attention turned to the guards. "Should we really be taking while these guys are watching us?"

Lloyd chuckled. "Nah, turns out they don't know Ninjagese. They only know their own language."

"Which is?"

"From what I can tell, just a bunch of snarls and growls."

Claire laughed a bit, sighing at the end. "But how are we going to get out of here? We're trapped in chains. Wait, you can use your powers right?"

Lloyd shook his head sadly. "No. They're made of Vengestone. A material so strong that it weakens my powers to the point that I can't use them. We'll have to escape some other way." He noticed the grin on Claire's face. "You have an idea," he said with a smile.

She smiled back. "Yep. Now tell me, do you have a good aim?"

In another dungeon, Jay and Nya were chained to a wall in a cell, unable to stand up. They had been trapped for days, only having a bit of water and food once a day from the guards.

Nya sighed, looking down at her feet. "I'm getting really tired of this. That monster took over Ninjago, turned Zane evil, and threw us in a cell. And we haven't seen Lloyd in days."

"He's probably being held in another cell," Jay groaned. "Overlord probably has debts to settle with the guy."

"But that means he could be torturing him," Nya added. "We can't just sit here while his life could be in danger. And what about Kai, Cole, Sensei, and Misako? Do you think they were captured as well?"

"I hope not. They may be the only ones who can save Ninjago now."

"Let's hope they have a plan to break us out of here too."

And DONE! Three chapters done in one day, I'm worn out. I probably won't update THIS often, probably once or twice a week tho. Especially during school seasons, I'll probably only be able to get out a chapter a week. And yes, I added some Lloyd X Claire fluff just cuz I love the ship so much and I have a lot that was originally planned for this chapter, but I had to put in the next chapter, so I added the moment to fill the chapter a bit more.

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