By Your Side

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"Am I interrupting?"

The voice was deep, cutting through the blissful silence that hung between Alain and Mairin. She felt her eyes sliding open as she was pulled out of blurred emotions, blinking as she realized that she and Alain were no longer alone in their wonderful moment.

"E-eep!" Mairin cried, voice an octave higher than usual. She jumped away from Alain in surprise– face bright red.

Alain's reaction wasn't quite as extravagant as Mairin's upon hearing the voice behind them. There was a rosy hue to his cheeks, his hands and head uncertainly pulling back from Mairin's as she leapt away from him. They were both still for a moment, before turning to face the door.

Professor Sycamore was standing at the doorway, watching them with an unreadable expression, a box in hand. Mairin's face only went redder– feeling quite childish for having been caught kissing Alain in the lab storage room.

While they should be working.

It had been several weeks since they had returned from Sinnoh– which had been some of the best weeks of Mairin's life. While neither of them had truly mentioned dating after their wonderful kiss up at the lake, it was quite clear that things were offical between them. Mairin had literally gone from never dating before in her life, to going steady with her teenage crush.

Not that she was complaining– the realization that Alain felt the same about her had been one of the most amazing sensations of her life.

However, both she and Alain had agreed to keep their relationship secret for now. Neither of them were sure on how Professor Sycamore would react to two of his employees dating each other, and didn't want to place anything at risk. Besides, neither of them were sure on how to go from childhood friends to being a couple. The feelings for each other were there, and the knowledge that they both felt the same– but there was no experience. No 'official' dates had happened between them, besides the precious moments they spent alone embracing and kissing, like up at Lake Acuity.

Or in this case, the storage room of the lab.

"P-p-professor!" Mairin managed to squeak out, face currently a bright scarlet. Professor Sycamore raised an eyebrow pointedly at the couple, and Mairin instinctively stepping back towards Alain.

"Would either of you like to explain what is going on here?" The professor asked, shifting the box in his hands. Mairin uncertainly looked up towards Alain, who was quite red himself. He wrapped an arm around her waist, eyes flickering to the ground.

"We were– um–" Alain tried to compose himself.

"I believe I pay you two to work," Professor Sycamore continued when no clear answer was given to him. "Not to–"

"Sorry Professor, sir," Alain muttered, cutting him off. "I only meant to grab the files you asked for, but... I got distracted."

Gah! Of all the ways for Professor Sycamore to find out– right in the middle of work hours! Mairin couldn't find any words, still thoroughly embarrassed for someone walking in on them. It had just been kissing, but... but she had never exactly done it in public before!

"I can tell," Professor Sycamore said, and Mairin honestly couldn't tell how the professor felt. She couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye either, leaving her gaze glued to the ground.

It wasn't just being walked in on that was making her uneasy– but would the professor approve? He was more of a father figure to her than her actual father at times! And just jump back several years, and a relationship between her and Alain would most certainly not be met with approval to the average person...

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