Years That Have Passed

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Mairin's feet slapped against the dirt path as she ran, heart racing as she attempted to catch up with the teen in front of her. The ten year old was panting, her running barely enough to keep up with his broad steps.

"W-wait Alain!" Mairin cried out, hoping that he'd stop. As she continued to run she mistimed one of her steps, and she felt her feet slip below her. "Ah-agh!"

She grunted as she fell forward, painfully colliding with the ground. Chespie, who had been running alongside her quickly stopped, racing back towards his trainer. The Chespin let out several concerned noises as she slowly pushed herself to her knees, trying to blink back several tears of pain.

"Give it a rest already."

Mairin glanced up as she heard the exasperated voice, finding Alain walking back towards her, hands stuffed into his pockets. A flash of annoyance ran through her as she heard him, and she quickly leapt back to her feet.

"No no!" Mairin cried. "I will definitely mega evolve too!"

Alain had been trying to lose her all day, but she was not about to give up. She was determined to learn more about mega evolution– and she knew that her best chance would be by following Alain. Yes he was cold, but seeing how he treated his Charizard was all Mairin needed to see to know that he had a good heart.

Alain let out a small sigh. "The one evolving won't be you, but your Pokemon."

"I know that!" Mairin said quickly, brushing the mistake off to the side, and she looked up at him. "I'll search for those stones too!" She smiled, pointing at him eagerly. "If I'm with you, I'll find some for sure! Right?"

Alain turned, and for a moment Mairin wondered if she had pushed her luck too far. She wanted to learn more, not just about mega evolution, but about this strange boy as well. He had pushed her away the whole day, and Mairin feared that he'd continue to do so now.

"Do as you please," He muttered, walking away.

Mairin stood there for a moment, slightly stunned at this. Perhaps he hadn't said yes– but he was no longer saying no to her coming along!

"Uh– hey!" Mairin called as he strolled on ahead, and she quickly ran after her new traveling partner, Chespie by her side. "Agh!"

Perhaps it had been a loose rock, or maybe a root, though most likely her own two feet– but Mairin once more found the ground rushing up to meet her.


"Hurry up Alain! This way!" Mairin cried eagerly, staring down at small device in her hands as she climbed higher through the winding cave. She glanced behind her, watching as Alain climbed over a large boulder, a small smile on his face.

"How's the signal?" He asked, moving a bit too slow for Mairin's liking at the moment. She accepted Chespie's outstretched vines, the Quilladin giving her a boost up onto a ledge.

"It's getting stronger!" Mairin said eagerly, watching the waves pulse on the holographic screen. The device was one that could sense mega evolutionary energy, very similar to the one Team Flare had created. However with Team Flare now years in their past, this one was of Professor Sycamore's own design.

Mairin had noticed the device picking up on a very high frequency earlier this morning, and had awoken Alain up right away. They had been searching for mega evolution stones on their journey for quite sometime now, and this was the first signal they had picked up in months. She had thought that Alain would have been ecstatic to finally pick up something, but he seemed as calm as ever.

But he did have a consistent smile on his face their whole way through the cave, which was good enough for her.

"Quill!" Chespie cried as the cave forked, and quickly darted into the right tunnel. Mairin was about to cry out to him to stop– but upon looking at the machine for direction she found that Chespie had picked the right path for the stronger signal– but Chespie hadn't seen the reading for the signal.

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