Chapter 2 New Beginnings

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Jason's POV
I put down my bags in my new house. It was a larger home, everything was black and white because I like my shit simple. Everything was exactly like I discussed with with the crew, black carpet with white walls, black and white decor, black curtains, black furniture. Everything smelled new. *phone ringing*
Jason: "McCan. Er... Bieber."
Chaz: "Hey man, it's me. The gang and I are running a little late, our flight was delayed due to bad weather. We should be there around 5."
Jason: "See you then."
*call ends*
I checked my watch, 7am. I decided to go get a sense of my surroundings and find something to get into for the day. I showered and put on my white skinny jeans, black tee shirt, black high tops, silver Rolex, and dog tags. I ran my fingers through my hair, deciding to leave it wet. I got in my Mercedes the boss had waiting on me, all black with one red stripe. Each of the gang members have a car waiting on them. I drove around looking for shit to do. I came up on a bar; XpLicit. I parked around back and headed inside. I made my way to a stool at the poles and ordered my usual jack daniels. I drank slow, I wasn't here to get drunk. I was sitting there watching the bar tender mix drinks and get hit on by strangers, I couldn't help but notice how nervous she looked, like she was there against her will. She smiled politely at me and our eyes met. I felt something spark in me, something I've never felt but before I could interpret what that feeling was, an older man came behind the bar and told her to get up on stage. He slapped her ass, starting her, but she went in the back. A few moments later she came out wearing red lingerie. She walked up on stage and seemed like a completely different person, she danced like Jenine Butterfly, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her dance told a story.. a sad, powerful story. I was feeling that way again... The music ended and she picked up the 100 dollar bills thrown around her and stuffed them in her bra and thong. She went back in back and came out in her corset outfit again and continued serving drinks. I felt like I needed to get her out of there.. why? I don't care about anyone but my crew. Why is some tramp any different? We locked eyes again and I immediately grabbed her hand.
Bouncer: "No touching!"
I let go, not wanting to cause a scene. When he looked away, I slipped her a card with my phone number on it. I got up and left the bar, looking back at her one more time. I nodded at her and headed out the door. I pulled in an alley and waited on her call.

Lo's POV
I'm pouring and mixing drinks, getting hit on by drunk men. I hated working here but I needed the money bad.
Just then a guy walks in, blonde hair is a wet mess, deep brown eyes, he was attractive, I won't lie. I felt something about him as soon as we locked eyes. I waltzed over to him and took his drink order. Jack Daniels...classy. I bit my lip as I watched him sip his drink, he obviously was not here to get drunk like all the other men.
"Lolita! Get your ass up there, you're on!"
The owner slaps my ass and I run back stage to get dressed. I wanted to impress that guy at the bar so I put on my sexiest lingerie and went on stage. I performed like never before. He stared at me the whole time with this look in his eyes I can't explain. He acted as if it was the first time he's ever felt any type of emotion. When my performance was over I went back to the bar. I looked into his eyes and he grabbed my hand. The bouncer yelled at him not to touch me so he handed me a card.
'McCan (***)***-****'
I took my break and stepped out back. Should I dial the number? What did he want from me? Probably a private dance back in his hotel room. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and dialed the number.

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