Chapter 23

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I don't know how I spent today. However I ended up getting ready before 4 p.m . Ashley and Cherreen kept teasing me about my panic look.

I didn't wear any makeup just only pale pink lipsticks. Ashley and Cherreen said it's good idea to let my hair fell because we are going on Keil's bike. I'm really satisfied with my dress . It's really comfortable.

"Stop tugging your dress . You'll ended up ruining it " Ashley said while taking my hands out of dress. I feel like I'm going to face a important exam. Good idea for not wearing any makeup, my forehead is already sweating.

Keil came exactly 4p.m . I ran outside to meet him .

"lux mea sis tam pulcher. Im tam felix" Keil said loudly when he saw me. God , what's this language ?

"Keil , please translate it to English " I shook him a bit because he was staring at me without saying anything. Can this become more awkward than this?

"Sorry. You look beautiful " he mumbled without losting the eye contact. He was wearing all black today too. He looks so hot in black clothes. He doesn't wearing his usual jacket that's the only difference. "You look so hot too "

" This is for you. I know you like Lavenders. I want to try something else today" he handed me a white rose bouquet while rubbing his neck . He looks so cute when he is nervous.

" Thank you. They look lovely " I took them me. He flashed me a smile relieved by my answer.I went inside to put the bouquet. Ashley and Cherreen looked amused by our reaction.

" No funny business both of you " Ashley said seriously while looking at Keil . Keil nodded at them but didn't say anything. Before we go away " Be careful " " Have fun" both of them shouted while waving their hands. I waved at them in return.

Keil stopped the bike and helped me to get off . I looked at him with a questioning look. " Have you ride on a skate board? " . Finally I understand why he came here. Many people were ridding.

I shook my head negatively. " Good . I want to teach you that ? Even though I don't know how to play bowling but I'm really good at Basketball and Skateboarding " he said proudly while taking my hand.

He called one of players . He came running to us with smiling friendly.
"Hey man , I thought you are going to change your plans " he said while giving Keil a friendly hug.

" You know I'm not someone who change my word. Anyway Shenaya this is Taylor , my friend and Ty this is Shenaya " Keil introduced us. I gave him a small smile . But Taylor gave me a big smile .

" Keil talks about you sis. Nice to meet you finally pretty one " He said shaking my hand . I mumbled nice to meet you to him.

Taylor went for a while and came with 2 skateboards . " Do you want me to teach her ? " Taylor asked Keil. I looked at Keil too. Keil shook his head " No man , I'll teach her . Help me with taking some photos " . He gave his camera to Taylor. Taylor nodded and went a little bit away with camera.

I quickly removed my shoes to get on the skateboard. " Why did you remove them ? Your feet would be cold " Keil asled not satisfied with me removing my shoes. " It's comfortable this way " I smiled at him. He worries too much.

He told me some basic things and I listened to him eagerly. Then he showed me how to ride it . Keil motioned me to try it . But I wasn't sure about it. I gave him a nervous smile. He take my hand and said "Don't worry Shenaya. I won't let you fall " .

I stand on the board while trying to balance on the board . Keil was catching my both hands and helped me to maintain my balance. Finally I was able to stand on it without shaking .Keil slowly moved with me making the board move. My heart was beating loudly. I was excited but afraid at the same time.

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