Chapter 51

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"Don't you like this menu ? " I came out from my heavy thoughts hearing Keil's voice .I turned to face my handsome devil . He is wearing his casual jeans and buttoned shirt not a suit . His face is decorated with a frown .

"You did it again "Keil said touching my hand . I sighed .

"Sorry . What did you ask ? "I know I lost in my thoughts more often . It's just there's too much to deal with. I couldn't help it .  It became a total disaster after the announcement Keil being the next owner to the Backstorm Empire.  Media got crazier . Only after 1 hour our relationship was in every site . Whenever we go paparazzi will follow us like hawks . I don't know how they always knew where we were . Keil quickly adjust to this life . I don't how he did it . But as soon as I attacked by them my body always turn in to panic mode. Just like Keil promised my family details didn't published,  only me being a Sri Lankan citizen .

It's being 1 month since the announcement but media seemed still  so interest in both of us . Only place I get some peace is our apartment . After all this comotions  Cherreen and I decide to  rent a 2 bedroom apartment closer to the NYU since Ashley doesn't live with us .

Keil asked me to plan a surprise date since he is the one always  plans our dates .  It's Saturday and we both are free from work and University.  I just hope we could spend this day without any cameras and microphones. 

"Shenaya" Keil sighed but didn't say anything for my lack of my response . Less than in 5 minutes,  I snooed 3 times . Great Shenaya , you can make a record sooner .

"Ok ,that's it " Hearing his angry voice I forced myself to stay focused. He stood up making the chair fell down . Shit . I knew I crossed the line this time .

"Let's go "He said before throwing money on the table . Keil stormed towards without waiting for me . I grabbed my purse and ran after him . Thankgod , I'm in my most comfortable attire. Blue ripped jeans , white shirt and nike shoes .

Keil couldn't walk out because we got attacked by reporters . Here we go again .They were shouting questions  and flashings like there's  no tomorrow.  How the hell they find out this restaurant.  I spend days to find this restaurant when I planned our date.I managed to tugg Keil's shirt since he slowed  down . I could feel Keil's body trembling from rage . Before I could blink Keil grabbed my hand and dragged me with him . I had run to keep with his speed . Unfortunately reporters decide to ran with us .

"Get the fuck away from her " Keil shouted shooing away some reporters who were practically shooing their cameras on my face . But that didn't make them stop for a second.  That made Keil make me pull closer to him . He had a deadly grip on my waist . With every second passing his grip tightened  more . I'm sure it would leave  a bruises later .  Thankfully we managed reach towards Keil's jeep . Keil opened the door and shooed me inside harshly  . I managed to get inside without knocking myself . I know Keil's furious now . I angered him before with my behavior and paparazzi made it worse . Now I would have to deal with him.

Keil got in to the driving seat but after shooing away more reporters away from him . He started engine and speed away from those crazy people . He drove among the vehicles like mad man . I didn't dare to say anything make him more angry .Keil kept horning at the car infront of us . I heard some of owners cursing at us we ran pass them . He had deathly grip on the stearing wheel . His knuckles were almost white .

Keil jump on the breaks suddenly making me jerk forward and pull over .  Thankfully , seat belt held me tightly preventing me bump on the headboard.

" Last week you're weren't tired right ? " Keil asked me in calm manner making me tremble . Oh shit !

"You purposely canceled it lying me ?" I gulped hard noticing his stormy grey eyes.  They are slightly black colored now .

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