Every Morning

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Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

That's what it sounds like when I wake up. I look at my phone and it's either "Omg GrACE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE ANSWER MY DMS!!!" or "You're such an amazing girl, Grace! You taught me how to learn the ukulele!".  I'm always happy when I get those type of comments. It makes me feel like I'm special.

     Here I'm going to answer this persons dm----"Gracie, it's time to eat breakfast!," I hear my mom yelling. I jumped out of my bed and wore the jacket that my whole town had signed for me. I must say that day was the most amazing day EVER in my life! I raced downstairs but I stopped when I got to the bottom. Frankie was there to say hello. I picked him up and started walking to the table. "What's for breakfast, mom?," I said frowning like Frankie. He is so cute.

     I ate my breakfast and started to watch SpongeBob Squarepants. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. "YASSSSSS GRACE LOVE YOUR NEW ALBUM BUT MY FAV SONG IS INSANE SOMETIMES!!!!". I giggled. "Hey, is that a boy you're talking to?", Olivia smirked. I shook my head no but she was still smirking that face of hers. I hugged her then went upstairs, Frankie followed. I took a selfie on snapchat with a comment saying "Hope ya guys like my new album! Swipe up to listen to it!". 

    Bing. That's the sound of my phone when I get a text. NO it's not the company Bing. Hehe. Hey, it's from Blythe. Here's the text message we are having together right now:

B: Hey Grace, congrats on the album release.

G: Hey 'Blothe' thanks! ;)

B: You need to be here at 3 PM for your photoshoot with Vogue, k?

G: yah yah of course!! 

B: Are you excited for it? 

G: Excited for what exactly?

B: You are going to DM 5 of your favorite fan accounts telling them that they get to meet you!

G: OOOOOO yes!

B: Who do you choose? OR who are you choosing?

G: Of course GraceVandeerwaal, Fanderwaalnews, Fanderwaalsart, Gracevwupdates, and Blownflorets!

B: But there is more, right? Like there's more fan accounts you like?

G: Of course! But I either liked their post, commented, or reposted!

B: Riggghhhht, I have to go now Grace, see you later.

G: Okay! See you when I see you!!

I turned off my phone and started dressing up and putting on makeup. Buzz Buzz Buzz. Again and again my phone did that. Here let me turn off my notifications with Instagram.

     HONK. Yes, my limo is here to go downtown. I grab Frankie and I kiss my dad and Olivia. I left with my mom. Off we go to New York, New York!

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