COMIC CON: part 1

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Buzz Buzz

I woke up at 6:00 AM and ate breakfast. Today I was going to Comic-con to meet people from my favorite shows! I couldn't wait! I went back to bed just to use my phone for about 10 minutes then got dressed. I wore a Stranger Things t shirt with mom jeans. Plain. Simple. Meh.


It's a message from Millie.
Millie: Hey Grace! Are you coming to Comic-con today?
Grace: Of course I am! I want to meet you again & the whole cast for the first time!
Millie: YASSS! Can't wait for you to meet them!
Grace: Yup!
Millie: Who else are you going to meet?
Grace: I'm not sure, but any youtuber is fine like Brandon Rogers.
Millie: HA! Brandon Rogers? Aren't we too young to watch his videos cause he does probably 21+ videos?
Grace: Who cares?! I'm going to the Magic Funhouse session too not only yours
Millie: Whatever floats your ukulele boat Grace.
Grace: I have to go now, bye!
Millie: alright see ya l8r!

"GRACE!!!! IT'S TIME TO GO!!!", Olivia yelled. I took a deep breath and raced Frankie downstairs. I took some snacks to eat on the road. I said goodbye to my mom & dad. I know right it surprised me too that they're not coming! But Olivia & Jakob were coming! Let's not forget about my little Frankie!

Bing. It's Millie again.
Millie: hey again, I'm bored so here I am textin ya!
Grace: oh hey! it's fine! I'm kinda bored too!
Millie: HA glad we're on the same level! anyways, what time do you think you'll get here?
Grace: in about 2-4 hours.
Millie: 2-4 hours?!? That's a long time!
Grace: it's fine, I'm used to having to drive for more than 6 hours.
Millie: phew! don't you get car sick?
Grace: we stop every 30 minutes to go to the restroom. we can puke there
Millie: ugh dude tmi!
Grace: what you were asking 😂
Millie: I have to go, I have this photoshoot thing
Grace: awwe k bye!
Millie: bye!!!

She's such a nice friend.
*4 hours pass*
Here we are. The amazing COMIC CON!!!!!!!

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